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FarmerFox last won the day on May 18 2014

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  1. Hi Tara I had a similar problem as well. Is it actually loosing any water from the cooling system?
  2. Happy Birthday FarmerFox!

  3. Hi everyone, As some of you may know, I've not long had the radiator changed in my Jag, but since I've had it back, the airbag light flashes on start up, then stays on. I suspect it's something simple such as a plug not pushed together properly. Has anyone had anything similar? Doesn't concern me so much, but the Mrs is a bit paranoid and it's unlikely to go through an MOT as it is. Josh
  4. Hi everyone, The jobs now all done, the bottom 4 galleries had cracked and bowed the bottom out in a very strange manner, almost as though there was excessive ice build up either in or on it. Don't know if anyone else has had this before, it certainly the first I've seen to fail like this. Thanks for the advise, much appreciated. Josh
  5. Thanks Peter. I might just book it in then it would be easier and we can't exactly predict the British weather!! Cheers Josh
  6. Hello chaps, long time no speak!! My 2002 s type has sprung an almighty water leak, and unfortunately the radiator is at fault. Has anyone changed one before and how was it to do? I've heard it can be a !Removed!, but others have said its not too bad, just a long job. Should I attempt it myself at home or just get it booked in while I'm at work? Josh
  7. Hi there, Just wondering, what sort of job is removing the main engine radiator on a 2002 s type? Thanks in advance Josh
  8. Hi Peter, Many thanks, will get onto them as soon as I have time. Much appreciated. Josh
  9. Hi Brian, First of all, I would like to extend that welcome! Peter has pretty much hit the nail on the head with his responce, find what stereo system you have and google it. Try eBay as you never know if someone is breaking one for spares with the same system. Slightly off topic but not too far, can Bluetooth handsfree be installed to a standard Jaguar stereo system? I am curious as I have the buttons but not the faucility. (I have the standard Jaguar radio/cassette deck with 6 cd changer in the back; no touchscreen or Satilite Navigation. The display says "NO PHONE" when phone buttons are pressed.) Regards Josh
  10. Hi all, I have noticed the transmission sump gasket is weaping, so want to get it done. I've had a quick look and I reckon I could do it myself, however I don't know a few of important factors: 1) how to check/top up the oil level, what oil is supposed to be in there (guessing Castrol ATF but not sure, better safe than sorry), and where the best place to get a gasket from. Any advise would be appreciated. Many thanks in advance Josh
  11. Welcome Gareth!! I've not long had mine either; the S-Type being my first too. Hope you enjoy the Jaguar experience as much as I do!! Josh
  12. Hi all!! First of all, E-Type or F-Type? That's like trying to choose between oxygen or water, you can't!! Being a youngster, I've not had many cars, only 4 previous to the Jag (3 on the road and not counting company vehicles). I have had the privilege of owning the second and third British most iconic cars: an Austin Mini and a Land-Rover respectively. Unfortunately, the Land-Rover never made it on the road, but the Mini was the most fun I have had on four wheels!!
  13. Many thanks Peter
  14. Peter, Would a second hand one be worth the cost saving being as though it could suffer with the same issue? I will try to see if it is leaking around the tank, I'm hoping it is as it looks pretty straight forward to do. Josh
  15. Many thanks Peter, I was just wondering as to why it would be different at higher speeds. Josh
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