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  1. Thanks chaps for all your help, will give it a go tomorrow morning,grand daughters Birthday today so a bit busy, Thanks again Adi.
  2. Hi,everybody need a bit of help.just got car back from MOT,(collective groan)it seems the drivers seat will not go all the way back.having been in the correct position when i got it there has been no need to change it ,anyway,the seat itself sees to swollow change from my pockets whenever i get in the car,so i was wondering would it be possible for a coin to be stuck in the track,now comes the help how do i remove the seat to find out .cant find any information of how to removes the seat,so instruction will be helpful,the rest of the MOT wasnt thet bad,thanks in advance for your help.Adi.
  3. Well,chaps been a while however happy ending.after all the faffing about with the spare key being cut,i spoke to a nice Indian gentleman who has a cobbler and key cutting stall in Castleford Market.After explaining my situation.he took my key cut another from a blank and asked me to try it when i went home,eureeka moment.new key fit all locks and ignition but again no start on engine,returned later that week gave him the key which he fitted a centre.then programed the key from a computer final price £40.00 job done,i suppose its finding the right man at the right time.any way will keep you posted on my up and coming adventures " Headlight droop to fix" and Heater always hot 3 way valve to test,and lots of little things that keep us men amused at weekend that women dont understand,bye for now happy motoring chaps,p.s will try and post some pictures of me motor,and if anybody else calls me Arfur Daly i'll swing for em Terry.cheers.
  4. Hi,everybody in jag land i have a query,when i bought my S type i only got one set of keys,however.i have got another one cut at an expensive £45.00,this opens and locks the doors,turns on the ignition but wont start the car,would i be right in assuming that there is a chip of somesort in the original key. thanks for you help in advance,chaps and Happy Easter,Adi
  5. Hi,I have just bought a Jaguar S type i'm 62 years young i ve had my share of cars but this is my first Jaguar,and i love it my wife loves it,every body likes it,ok petrol economy is not fantastic but class and history is, by the way uses slightly more per week than my 2.3 Saab so i'm not complaining,obvious small faults on a 14 year old car but i can live with that so i know have a club i can find the information i need ,cheers every body.
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