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Morse Dreaming

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Morse Dreaming last won the day on April 6 2014

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    West Midlands

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    Word of Mouth

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  1. Hi Peter- (Queen Bess) is running as well as ever. Another twelve months Mot. Rear drive shafts and bearings changed but engine is purring. Just hit 80,000 as work done. Garage were impressed by engine. Taking caravan to Cornwall soon. Great tow car. Have to watch the speed. Ha ha.
  2. Have you got the right bulb. We have just changed ours.Tried to use one from stock box of various car lights. Wouldn't fit properly. The one we took out wasn't right either. Went to Halfords and got specific bulb. It has off-set pins and fitted and worked. If not specific bulb,will light side light instead of brake light. Hope that helps.
  3. Lift bonnet and change in parked position if changing whole blade. There are small dots in screen to line up blades when replacing them.
  4. Hubby (Jag man)thinks this is a transit relay connector that is used to stop battery discharging on transport before sale. Relay is removed at P.D.I.
  5. Having to replace passenger side mirror unit. Clipped another mirror which caused mine to smash. The offending mirror didn't have a Mark on it so no cost from them incurred. Cost of replacing mine is an arm and a leg. In £300s main dealer. Anybody with discounts or reasonable prices.
  6. Yes I did receive my stickers by two but although I paid for t.shirt and cup when becoming a premium member this has never arrived. There is no phone number or address to follow it up. Tried an email address but no response. Any help on this.
  7. Hi, my S type also keeps you locked in. Once moving central locking applies. You should have a button with key on at bottom line of switches on central consul. I'm waiting for my personal Jaguar mechanic( hubby) to give the locks a tweek. They occasionally work when she's in a good mood.
  8. Disconnect battery first. Two connections. Fead belt.2-3 bolts.etc. Fairly tight space to work in. Message from hubby. The air might be blue.
  9. My Jag has decided I should stay a bit longer and won't open the door lock. This was intermittent but I now have to use the release on centre consul. Another job on the to-do list.
  10. We also have a squeaky steering wheel which hubby feels is the carpet or deadening he has got on his to-do list.
  11. Parked my S type sport on gravelled park area at stables only to find car sank. Recently further gravel had been added. No we didn't do a wheel spin and spray every one. The staff at the stables were not big enough to push the heavy girl. Got the car mats out( not expensive ones).Moved the gravel and pushed mat under wheels. Gradually backed out with ease and free. :D .Cones up to stop further cars being trapped.
  12. Got the right stickers but it has been at least 3/52 since t.shirt and mug were ordered with upgrade.Need my early morning cuppa and the t.shirt to say bin there done that.
  13. Have recently upgraded to Premium membership + and ordered T,shirt and Mug. Have had letter and sticker.Nothing else. Tried to contact using www,jaguarownwersclub/membershipFAQ but not recognised. Help.
  14. Happy Birthday and have a great time. Enjoy the post you send me.Feel like part of the Jaguar Family.
  15. Hi Martin. Glad you got away and enjoyed the experience. Just have to say thank you for information so we got the towbar. We can now keep on smiling an looking forward to next trip. Keep on purring. We also used cruise control as there is a stretch of spec cameras on A14.
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