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SteveY last won the day on October 30 2019

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  1. Having bashed my offside mirror on a low hanging branch, the glass fell out though it is still attached and the electrics still work ... however, how does the mirror fit back into the bit at the back of the mirror ... I see four tags on the back of the mirror but only two catches on the retaining plate .... am I missing something here? Thanks in advance
  2. Thanks Jim ... I've written to him.
  3. Struggling to find part numbers MJB1341AC and MJF1346AA ... my usual go to Barretts are not coming back with any information. Nearside front suspension arm and bush. Any help out there in XK8 land?
  4. OK ... What's the antenna then located below the bolster behind the driver's seat then? Uk spec side so the bolster on the right of the car looking towards the front. I think it traces back to the security module located under the rear fuse box by the side of the battery. Will look to see this other aerial/antenna by the rear light ..
  5. Thanks for that Joe ... I see the ignition fob on the convertible lists "on top of the backlight" .. not sure what that means. Steve
  6. When re-programming key fobs, where in the car do they connect? Is there an aerial somewhere in the car/under the car. Just had the vehicle waxoiled so wondering why the fobs won't programme. The lights flash on the gear selector as they should, fobs don't flash though. They both worked fine before the waxoil.
  7. This is where I am at the moment. The car had a complete oil change and major service yesterday. I had (slap my wrist) allowed the oil level to get very low, just over the low mark on the dipstick, although no oil warning light was apparent and I noticed a small leak on the joint from rubber to steel on the oil cooler pipe to the block when under the car. I bought a couple of camshaft position sensors, but now not sure that they are the problem as they are returning values so will return them. I let the engine warm up, put on my code reader and deleted the codes P0001/02. The amber engine light went out and stayed out. Turned off ... waited one minute, started up again, the light stayed out. Repeated the process. Hopefully that's it .... not enough oil to the camshaft, but will wait until I can take the car out for a run before I'm convinced that is the problem (had an angioplasty on Wednesday so not allowed to drive for a week). I am fearful that the light will come back on during a run, but will report back. Steve
  8. Thanks ... very helpful. Will give me a place to look.
  9. I've had the above codes come up with the orange engine light on (intermittently I should add). I was told by a mate that it's probably the Camshaft Position Sensor. But I'm not sure ... any other clues to what I should be looking for. Any help gratefully received. Cheers Steve
  10. Got one as well ... obviously been hacked


  11. Don't remove the key until all fobs are programmed. The programme has to receive five blips of the fobs before it exits. Three on one fob two on the other, or if only doing one fob then five blips on that fob. Each blip will light or sound or both on the gear panel. Leave the key in until finished and WAIT for the programme to exit before taking the key out. Follow the instructions as previously listed to the letter. This is for a 2004 XK8, other models have other processes.
  12. Apropos of my previous post about key fobs .... the process listed before to reprogramme my key fobs worked fine, however, two weeks later and they didn't work again. Reprogramming didn't work so I connected up the trickle charger to see what the battery had in it, after 20 minutes it was at full charge and the key fobs still didn't work, so had to think again, disconnected the trickle charger and went back in the house. Next day they worked again with no intervention from me. Hadn't rained though .... Worked fine for some time and then after a heavy rainstorm ceased working again, though the car is under cover when parked. This has happened a couple of times since, not the battery as a 110 mile blast to the New Forest and back over the weekend means I have a fully charged battery, though it rained when parked down in the Forest the key fob has worked consistently. My question is .... the unit in the boot is dry, so where should I look now if -- as I believe -- the rain has something to do with it? Where is the aerial located that the unit/fob interact with? The car is a 2004 XK8 convertible which apart from this gives me minimal trouble for the fantastic experience of driving it? Help would be appreciated.
  13. Brilliant!!! Worked fine, both fobs are now programmed to the car. The only thing I would add is that I had to start the car first to obviate the security light flashing on the gear selector. Then just followed your instructions and though I didn't get the "beep" everything else worked as you said. I recommend this to anyone that has a similar problem. Thanks again.
  14. Thanks Joe .... I will try this next week when I get back to the UK (car in the garage at home at the moment) ... not sure if it will work as although placing the key in the door lock unlocks the car, when turning the key anti clockwise the roof doesn't open ... which it did before when the fobs worked. The roof opens when using the button on the dashboard, so is key related. Will investigate further. Thanks for the info. I had a few issues on a long 3000 mile drive into Italy and across France a couple of times during September which turned out to be a faulty speed sensor, which is fixed. The locking problem materialised during the journey before the sensor was replaced, not that I think they are connected but seems odd. If this doesn't work I may have to take the car to Harwoods Jaguar as my local garage couldn't sort it out. Thanks again, Steve
  15. Has anyone else had this ... 2004 XK8 convertible. Both key fobs transmit (tested) but neither will unlock the car. When placed in the lock and turned to the left the keys don't open the roof at all. The keys will unlock the car but I have to place the key in the ignition to disable the alarm (of course) which will start to sound. I had a new car battery in February (Mutlu 075 Series 2 Car 12V 60Ah 540A (SAE) 510 A) which is in excellent nick .... I have just completed a 3000 mile trip across France and Italy so it's well charged. I've had the car in the garage for a week and my mechanic says the control unit seems to be OK and functions within the car and both keys transmit but as I say don't appear to connect to the unit. I've also had a locksmith security expert (huh!!!) who couldn't diagnose the problem. There are no codes showing. Any idea guys?
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