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  1. My STR comes with hid dipped beam as standard and I fitted LED bulbs into the main beam
  2. Theres mine in Sascale so not too far away Had it a couple of years just had to replace the valley pipe a real pig of a job so changed a few other hoses, both belts and idler pulleys and the water pump while I was in there. Love driving it though it also has lpg so makes it cheap to run
  3. Could also try turning the key so ignition lights come on wait a couple of secs while u hear it prime then off and on again a couple more times without trying to start it. If it starts ok then this points to blocked lines or weak pump also that valve half off as was my problem
  4. Mine is an STR I find the gearbox looks after itself great just point it where u want to go and hang on :)
  5. Try pressing brake pedal then pulling up handbrake switch a few times that should sort it
  6. The make of battery doesn't matter it's the starting current that does. Mine is Bosch
  7. I have the R and yes you should hear the pump pressurise the system. There is a tap accessible under the back seat there's a large black plug about 5 or 6 inch diameter on the near side the tap turns very easily I knocked mine about half off while changing a burst fuel pipe and it made mine a pig to start but it ran ok Hope this helps
  8. Make sure loads of history parts etc. I own one and enjoy driving it but parts are always more expensive than the smaller engine ones. Wouldn't change it though am starting to look at XFR maybe next year BTW supercharger belts don't last too long :)
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