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Everything posted by O.T.H

  1. Yes well said------------- "A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL"---------------- Frank
  2. Hi Sean I think you will find that happens to most cars with a elec fan ---The fan runs for a shot time after the engine has been shut off to cool things off , I would think about checking the thermostat or temp sender and conections first ???? Frank
  3. Hi Robert here's something I found that could help.??? 2005 Jaguar X-Type 2.0d - Jaguar diesel idling high, especially when driving - My Jag has a frustrating and dangerous problem. The idle speed increases when the car is in motion, getting up to 1500 rpm - which when in 5th means acceleration with no input from me! With the cluth depressed it drops to about 1000, and when the car actually is stopped returns to the correct 800 (with occassional surging) I have had the local garage hook it up to diagnostics but the car is clean with no codes at all. I cleaned the EGR valve myself and that made no difference. I would say the problem is worsening. Could this be a sensor? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answer== Check your engine oil level isn't above the high mark. If ok, I would check the turbo oil seals arn't passing excessive oil. owner Unplugged the MAF last night - no change : Answer== Does that not tell you something.It could be that the MAF is faulty or that the wiring to it or the plug is faulty all three common problems on this engine.Having a faulty non operative MAF will give exactly the problems you describe. Then have a look at this???? http://www.oilem.com/tag/maf-sensor-cleaner/
  4. Hi robert you didn't say if its diesel or petrol if it was OK and it just started fast idle I would say its developed a air-leak on the induction side somewhere.????? Check all your pipes etc Frank
  5. I dont know if anyone else would agree but I think I would have the battery checked out .??? allsorts happens if they are on there way out . Frank
  6. Im really sorry Charlie has taken the Huff but making a statment that we all run bangers isnt nice !!! we all run what we like or what we can afford and some of the old cars are great all to his own .?? I liked his imput into the club as he alway gave his apinion and thats what life is all about we are not all the same . thank goodness. So all the best Charles. Frank
  7. Hi Deane ...I would go with Peter on this and say perhaps ..Plug Leads.??? Frank
  8. Its OK no problem I hate the winter as well. ;)
  9. Hi Charlie I'm sorry if I have upset you but if you give it out you have to be able to take it ---I also worked long hrs in all weathers Ive also had good times but life didnt treat me too good--- never mind---it seems you a bit grumpy today so I wish you the best ..Keep smiling ... My X type is petrol Its done 123,000 miles .?? Frank
  10. It seems we all run bangers except for money man Charlie ?????? New cars break-down so I'm told .??? I don't know because I've never been lucy enough to own one + I think you loose more money the first year of ownership than any of these old bangers put together thats my opinion . Frank
  11. Its something you should check out as oil leaking onto a hot exhaust could be the answer ??? Frank
  12. Hi Roly welcome and thank you for your advice and warning I think perhaps the club should have a ---NO GO AREA----there must be quite a few dodgy firms out there???? Frank
  13. O.T.H


    Yes lots of chassis parts are the same but not all so I would advice--- always check that they will fit the X type before you buy .???? Frank
  14. Are you sure there's no exhaust leak ??? One way to make a check is to get someone to hold a cloth and block the pipe at the back while ticking over so as to build a preasure in the system-- while you are under the car then you can hear the smallest of leaks.??? Just a thought.??? Frank
  15. Welcome Trevor The next thing to ask now is when did it last have a service ie fuel fillter changed Because it sounds as though its starved of fuel ,.????? Frank
  16. Hi Mike If you see a light blue X Type flash you you will know who it is ...All the Best... Frank
  17. Hi Mike I cant be far from you at...Rushden ...Northants.????? :) Frank
  18. Hi Charlie Yes I had one Ive still got it some where it was quite a few years ago now when they came out ?? It was really good and saved my bacon lots of times because it always warned me in time for me to slow down in time ....its out of date now i suppose the new ones are evern better they are well worth the money... I dont need one now as I tend to keep with in the lawful speed I am retired and in no hurry and I don't go far . Frank
  19. Hi Brian In my thinking if it was shocks it would be a very uneaven wear and bumpy but with airpressue it would be just the edges smothed off.??? Frank
  20. Hi Brian You say that you keep the pressures at 2.2 bar .....But in my manual it tells me that 18inch wheels on a XType should be = Front---- 2.6 bars--=38lbs Rear-----2.4 bars--=35lbs Only a thought . Frank
  21. Hi Brian My next thought would be are you carrying any weight in the boot because I still think you should put a little more pressure in the rear tyres ??? I don't think the front would be the same so leave them . If it was just wearing one side of the tread I would say a suspension arm fault but both sides point to tyre pressure.??? Frank
  22. If its the outer edge on both tyres my first thought is you are running them with the preasure too low .??? I would up them 3 or 4 lbs. Frank
  23. Hi Brian If by saying they are out of shape you mean that they are ovel or not truely round I would say that they are faulty tyres and that the bands that make the tyes up are at fault???? To be honest if it was me I would change them as soon as possible as they could be a danger if you like to speed at all.??? Frank
  24. I think I would say its a air leak on the pipe or one of the joints or a split pipe because that could make a funny noise. Frank
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