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  1. Thank you all for taking the time to answer my question, all very helpful. Sorry its taken me some time to reply I've had problems with the laptop. Thank you all once again. Very best wishes Clive
  2. Hi John My pleasure. Please would you let me know how you get on? Very best wishes Clive
  3. Hi John I had to use the space saver and didn’t like it, and like you I wanted to change it for a proper wheel. I was watching Wheeler Dealer’s one day and they were renovating a Mk II Jag. Mike Brewer went to a Jag dismantler and they had quite a few X-Types there. I contacted Mike Brewer through his web site and he told me to contact Attaboy, the people who make Wheeler Dealer’s. They in turn gave me the email address of the dismantlers they used [email protected] Last November I emailed to them with a photo of my wheel. They replied to my emailed with the name of the wheel and the price, and within two days the wheel was in the boot of my car. At that time the wheel with a good tyre cost me £80 plus £20 p&p. I hope this is of help to you. Very best wishes Tangaman
  4. I’ve had my 06 plate X Type for four years and love it to bits. It has the sat nav, phone, radio, and climate control etc with touch screen in the central console. The phone is connected via Bluetooth and the screen should when turned on display, No BT Phone; followed by Discover Me while the system is waiting to communicate with the Bluetooth but at the moment it doesn’t. Every time I turn the ignition on, the system displays Service Status Registered and five signal bars even when I don’t have the phone in the car. When I do have the phone in the car with the Bluetooth turned on, I cannot use the phone on hands free because of the reason above. Has anyone else had the same problem and if so, how did you resolve it? Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Very best wishes Clive Rice
  5. Bluetooth connection

  6. Bluetooth connection

  7. Thank you for the reply. I thought of the drop in voltage, I checked the battery and charged it but after a few hours the alarm started again. As the car is 2006 I thought the battery was on the way out so I bought a new one but still the allarm went off. I took the car to a Jag specialist and he put the diagnostic on it and found the passenger door mechanism was at fault which was changed, there was also a problem with the ECU, that has now been sorted, at a price. Thank you once again for your reply. Very bes wishes Tangaman
  8. Car alarm went off at 01:30 hours and wouldn't stop with the key, I had to disconnect the battery. Called the RAC and he couldn't solve the problem. My friend had the same problem with a Ford Galaxy, he changed the battery and the problem stopped. Later I charged the battery and the problem dissapeared so I took the car for a run. When I cot home and locked the car, the alarm started again so I had to disconnect the battery once more. Has anyone else had the same problem, if so could you please tell me if and how you cured it. Thank you
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