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  1. Thanks for fast reply. I will check this in the morning. Have you had any experience with coolant leak repair fluids like this? https://www.bullseyecarparts.co.uk/category/detail/car-maintenance/additives/cooling-additives/k-seal-permanent-coolant-leak-repair-236-ml
  2. Hi guys, Sorry to bother you on Xmas day but any help would be appreciated. I overheated yesterday and when I checked, I noticed that the coolant tank was completely empty. I filled it to the MAX and left it overnight. When I checked this morning it had drained quite a lot. I have attached a photo. It is a 56 plate diesel so could this just be an age related problem (worn hose etc) or could this be more serious? I am lucky enough to live in Doncaster and I have seen some recommendations previously for a jag specialist here, so I will take it to see him when he is open again. Thanks for any help. Merry Christmas
  3. Hi Richard, Did you have any luck with this. I am looking to buy an XF very shortly and evertime I find one with low mileage and within budget I am put off by the interior trim. I understand that sometimes you have to compromise but I really dont want to. Thanks Dean
  4. Hi guys, I sent the car to Jaguar for a full diagnostics but rather than fix the problems I have ended up in a position where i need a new car. They have balanced the wheels which has near enough eliminated the vibrations. The engine was rattling when idle though so they also looked into that and it turns out that i need an auxiliary belt tensioner kit which costs £234.78 plus £324 labour (+VAT). Coupled with a long list of other problems such as an oil leak, corroded brake pipe, deteriated and split hub carrier bushes etc I have decided to get rid. It still annoys me to see car parts that cost £35.70 with labour costs of £324 (+VAT) and another at £13.08 with labour costs of £108 (+VAT). I suppose i cant complain because cannot do these jobs myself. Even getting the parts and work done from an independant garage would cost too much compared to the cars value. It is 56 plate with 165k miles so its definately time to upgrade. The £500 i was offered as part-exchange did hurt a bit though so it looks like a provate sale. Thanks for all of your help though and hopefully i will be posting in the XF forum shortly
  5. Thanks Peter. Are you referring to 'The Jag Specialist' based in Armthorpe, Doncaster? I am going in to see him this weekend to look into the shaking/vibration. The DSC System Fault light came on again this morning so hopefully he can get it sorted.
  6. Hi Mark, What colour is this car? I am looking for a bonnet for my 2006 X-Type and believe the colour is Midnight Black, code PEF. Please let me know if you have or are able to source one. Thanks Dean
  7. Hi guys, I have a 2006 X-Type 2.2d and I have recently been experiencing some problems. The car seems to shake when accelarating, especially between 50mph - 70mph. It is not just through the stering wheel and is definately through the entire car. The passenger seat does shake violently. I have managed with this for a couple of weeks because once I stop accelarating the shaking stops, so once i get to 70mph and put on cruise control I am ok. I thought I would ask for advice today because whilst driving to work this morning, a warning light came on which displayed the message 'DSC System Fault'. I understand that these faults can generally be for a number of reasons and it is very difficult to pin point th problem but if anybody can give me any advice that would be great. Also, the car has currently done approx 165k miles. Was serviced Sept 2014 and MOT'd March 2015. If this problem sounds as though it could get expensive then I might be able to convince the wife that it is time for an XF. Thanks
  8. Happy Birthday deanbarber1989!

  9. Thanks. Yes it had a new clutch and flywheel just before I picked it up. Unfortunately there is no service history but I got it for a very good price so a comprehensive service is already booked in. I will also look into the TerraClean service. Thanks
  10. Hi Mick, I also have the 2.2D Sport and had looked into getting it chipped. My only concern is that I have been told that the extra power could be 'too much' for the car and there is more change of blowing the turbo etc. Also, would you have to inform your insurance company? and would this void the warranty I have? Sorry Kev for going completely off your original topic. Thanks Dean
  11. Hi, I have recently bought an X-Type 2.2D Sport but I do not know a lot about cars so I am sure I will be asking you for help with what you feel are very simple tasks. It looks and runs well but has done a lot of miles (146,000) so if anybody could give me an idea of what problems to expect/look out for that would be great. I have attached a couple of photos. Thanks Dean
  12. Welcome to the Jaguar forums deanbarber1989 :)

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