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Plum... last won the day on October 6 2014

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    Daimler Sovereign
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  1. Evening Lee, Hope you enjoy the JOC my good man. 25 mpg you say... I usually get something like that going down hill with a back wind haha, or is that pre litre??? cheers for now Bryn. . .
  2. I recon you've just been thrown a curve ball gent's... She or he is probably one of those folk who you've just been catogarising hahaha, priceless... cheers Bryn. . .
  3. I haven't got a clue of an answere, but did you get it sorted Mark??? cheers Bryn. . .
  4. Evening Gary, welcome to the JOC my good man and hope you enjoy. Yet another Yorkshireman gentlmen... Sounds like me on bikes Gary, fair weather only these days. cheers for now Bryn. . .
  5. 1979/80 season saw FC v KR in the challenge cup final. Sorry to pinch the topic but i just thought I'd drop that one in... cheers Bryn. . .
  6. Love the bit a banter (tis a silent t and pronounce the 'er' whilst saying it fastish) haha that should keep yer busy for a while... Cheers for now Bryn. . .
  7. Kingston upon Hull in the East riding of Yorkshire (gods very own...)
  8. And just to add to the list gentlemen (appologies if already mentioned). Jagutech Unit 7 & 8 Fleet Business Park Itlings Lane Hessle East riding of Yorkshire HU13 9LY Phone: - 01482 644761 email: - [email protected] Chris and Sean are the owners of Jagutech, and have looked after my Jags since they started in around 2002 with not one situation. They are also an MOT test centre and specialise in Landrovers aswell. Also just to say, for anyone looking, Hessle is on the run into Hull just off the A63. Hope that is of help to someone, cheers for now Bryn. . .
  9. Oh I don't know Peter, seems to work for moi haha. Welcome along Paul old bean, a Yorkshireman aswell, good man... Hope you enjoy the JOC, I'm getting used to em bit by bit, and they seem a good bunch so far!!! As for the alarm thingy going off, i ain't got a clue my good man (nowt like being honest) cheers, Bryn. . .
  10. Mornin Ernest... Ope you enjoy the JOC my good man, tis a good gaff even ere up North (no 't' Trevor, get it right Mr), in gods own... Cheers for now Bryn. . .
  11. Cough, cough!!!
  12. Not got a clue old boy, But welcome anyway to the JOC... cheers for now Bryn. . .
  13. Morning Dave, or rather afternoon, welcome to JOC my good man, and who needs a sat nav anyway, tis a JAGUAR!!!!! cheers Bryn. . .
  14. Well, well, well, I'm glad it ain't just moi. The after effects are always heavier when I'm up in that neck of the woods, now it could be the holiday mood, however I recon tis just the fresh air haha, and plenty of it... cheers Bryn. . .
  15. Haha, nice one my good man, Love it when a plan comes together. What a place though I love it up there, it's brilliant. Speaking of which tis my night cap time... (that's as criptic as I can get haha) Cheereo for now chaps Bryn. . .
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