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Everything posted by ddicom

  1. I have a 2012 xf s. I bought the map update from Jaguar, it comes on a usb stick and slots into the usb slot under the centre arm rest. When plugged in it comes up after a few seconds and invites you to input a registration number, the problem i have is that the number needs to be eight characters long my code (i assume as it doesn't actually say its the code) on the card shipped with it is more than that and consists of a letter, a few numbers, a - and a space. Obviously somethings wrong. I have emailed support so we'll see what they say. Onto USB music; I found that it's a little fussy with MP3. Theres no polite way of saying this, Jaguars idea of USB/MP3 integration is rubbish. Some MP3 downloads work some don't. MP3 music that you have no problem with connected to any device from streaming audio devices to TV's may work fine but some how Jaguar have made a pigs ear of it, to be fair most car manufactures do as well, although in my experience after market car radio or ICE systems don't. Its why people like Apple and Google have spotted a business opportunity and have started in care entertainment devisions.
  2. A big thanks to all for making me feel welcome, making me laugh and offering advice. I think I'm going to like it here. I moved to the Cotswolds about two years ago so only another eighteen years and the locals just might start to except me? Trouble is my knuckles are some way off the floor, I can breath through my nose and I don't fancy my sister so I could be wrong Thanks again guys
  3. Thanks for the welcome gents. LOL moment with the Sagan quote Byrn Trevor: My new XF has a B & W system and it is very nice, when you see the cost on the stealers option list it should be! My beautiful ex baby (otherwise known as the XKR) was fitted with the standard ICE system but I did get an AUX and USB fitted by the dealer for some outrageous price and it read and quickly indexed a USB stick, that's why I'm surprised that a car a whole five years younger, my newly acquired 2012 XF, couldn't do the same thing. I'll try a few things and won't give up, the memory stick reads and displays the folders and tracks but will only play the songs from one folder. Very odd I think the XK is the most beautiful Jag, I'm not saying the newer F type is ugly in any way just the proportions of the XK (in my eyes) make it the better looking car, thankfully it goes like it looks too. I sold my XKR when I semi retired. I had a sudden unexpected episode of sensible that said I could not justify the cost and only two seats (the back seats are only for people under three feet tall or have lost limbs and a head). Luckily this sensible period only lasted two years (I think I'm better now) and although financially I had to say goodbye to V8's I could get away with one of these new fangled oil burning diesel things as long as it had useable seats, hence the XF Heres to growing old disgracefully!
  4. Hi All Just joined today and received an email asking me to say hello. I have just bought an XF S Portfolio on a 12 plate, Its black with light ivory colour trim and piano black inserts. It was love at first sight. Liked it even more when I had a go in it. Its my first Diesel. This is the third cat I've owned the others being an S Type (V8, an itch that needed scratching!) and my favourite car ever - a beautiful 2007 XKR. So much for my rule of not ever owning the same car manufacturers product twice. Yes apart from millionaire favourites I've had 'em all. The only exception being Land Rover. (Rangie and Disco too big, Freelander to wobbly and the Evoque not wobbly but too slow, I would never say too feminine of course. So what do I think of the XF? The good: The look of it, the performance and economy (how do they do that), the lack of wind and road noise, the amazingly quiet diesel that sounds like its a growling V6 petrol when pushed, ride at anything over 40, the seats, the 8 speed box, the mood lighting, lots of buttons, the B & W sound, auto everything and the electric hand break The not so good: In car entertainment is still pretty ropey (touch screen way to small, buttons a bit fiddly when driving along, no in car hotspot and it has problems reading some MP3 files from USB), the odd bit of cheap plastic (overhead silver finished plastic and the paddles - way to tacky on a car at this level), a boot that pops up but doesn't open (what's the point?) the lack of a true comfort setting for driving around town (I love the handling generally but its a bit bumpy at slow speeds in town). Thats about it. Well done Mr Tata! I tested an Audi A7 (goodish car but couldn't find anything not grey with a black interior and all Audi drivers are bad people, right?), a Merc 350 coupe (very close but dull old fashioned interior was the deal breaker), LR Evoque (very nice, but they don't do a quick one), and a few beemers (todays equivalent of a Mondeo - way to common and the dealer was a jerk) Thats my story folks. All comments are meant to be light hearted. Remember its just a car and will claim all your children's inheritance no matter what it is
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