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rd350ypvs last won the day on October 10 2014

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  1. Could be the drivers door module that is faulty
  2. the rear door actuator takes a lot longer than the front due to the removal of the quarter glass and supports. The front can be stripped in about an hour
  3. This happens to me all the time, its to do with a faulty door actuator normally the front or rear passenger door goes faulty, symptoms normally happen when trying to lock the doors then they unlock themselves, will lock when engine is running with key in the ignition (shouldn't do this). Replacing the faulty actuator fixes it. Normally to find the faulty actuator, sit in car, close the locks using the remote, look at the door handles, one will be opposite to the others, i.e drivers door lock open and passenger lock closed, this confuses the central locking mechanism and so it opens the locks not knowing that one of the actuators is actually the opposite to what the controller thinks, this causes the door locks to cycle then stop. I normally get round this by manually closing the offending doors lock closed, exit the car, then lock it, you can tell if the doors are locked becuase the interior light will go off after a few seconds, good luck. @Rasitlin, think SDD only stops the door locking when travelling over 15mph, not when stationary.
  4. @Shelob Will have to see if I can see yours when next on site, normally pop down to seascale for a bun on the way back :) mini meet for the cumbrians haha
  5. Are you based in Kendal Jon? I live in Barrow and have never seen another STR local to me in the 2yrs that I have owned one. I have adamesh rear silencers Remapped Smaller 10% pulley WOT mod Caldoofy cold air intake and...... new engine replaced 3 weeks ago, mine had 54,000 on the clock then decided to eat its main bearings, new engine has 88,000 with valley pipe replaced with new as a precaution S**t off a shovel comes to mind, hope you are now enjoying yours
  6. Make sure that the battery is being charged when this being done. I learnt the hard way through having to buy a new TCM at £1200 because the battery died half way through flashing using a mongoose and a laptop.
  7. Peter, probably because the amount of things that can go wrong you need to be young to be able to get into all the little spaces to fix things lol
  8. I very young 42.5 1yr 6 months ago for my first ever jag. Decided why work my way up the range, just get the best I could afford, so I did, My S-Type R had only 43,000 and was £6,000. Still love it today even with all the whats that warning light on for jiggery pokery. :) Added Caldoofy intake and Adamesh backboxes, sounds lovely
  9. 2 rubber ducks and a pond before i dealt with the issue :)
  10. Ken you have the same engine in yours as I do in my str. Therefore it has a timing chain, metal tensioners and the steelined cylinders instead of the nicosil lined ones so you are fine
  11. Lol well I intend on keeping my licence clean for the forseeable future.
  12. why is it though, that I have one of the fastest released jags yet now driver SLOWER lol, must be because I KNOW that I have the power when I need it :)
  13. haha Peter, yes that may well be the case since it really is just a toyota, abeit a very good Toyota. The jag though in performance really is another level, just imagine that engine in a 1300kg car whooooa rocket car :)
  14. Cheers Ken33y, just hope the reliability is as good as the lexus, I probably think not but time will tell lol, the missus has that now, I travel in luxury :)
  15. Just got hold of my first ever Jag, a lovely S type R 2002 with 43300 miles on the clock. Coming from a Lexus IS300 it is in another league especially performance :)))))) Hope to chat to you lot over the course of the next few years lol Andy
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