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Reverand last won the day on October 12 2014

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  1. Hello Peter old boy, did you miss me..? I went and had a stroke didn't I..! A lot better now and it is good to be back, but I don't half miss the Jag mind..!

     Speak again later, the wife is on the war path and I have to go back to bed for now

    GOD Bless,

    Phill (Port Talbot)

    1. Old Peter

      Old Peter

      Hi Phil,

      I did miss you, and wondered where you had gone --  maybe moved to an area with no wifi?

      Glad you are getting better and I hope you will be soon ready to be out, seeing the world, and enjoying the fresh air.  I am sure "He" Who Is would like to see you back.  As well as that, your wife is looking after you very well.

      I have just finished writing a book about Jaguar and you can find out more about it on "Transporterama" the online book store.  I will send you a copy when the printers have done their job.

      Meanwhile, my best wishes, and my regards to your wife.


  2. Hi Carl, Mine is in at the moment, find a garage you can trust (NOT A DEALERSHIP), put her in for the winter check. Mine is in for change of coolant, filters and oil. MOT and of course the usual LAM Sensor (Showing the same as yours). Total £325, so not bad. If you are near Swansea I recommend 'BOND' as they do all the work on my three cars. Hope this is helpful, Reverend (Phill)
  3. Hi Peter, Thanks for that, and yes I will as I am in a position to do this on Sunday. It is heartbreaking to see people here in Taibach with worry on their faces as they go into work smashing all production records again this week, and it is not making any difference! As without the generous help given to the German and Dutch Steel Workers, but refused to ours under European rules, they don't stand a chance! Very sad, very sad indeed! Kind regards, Phill.
  4. Hi Rob, Hi Kenny, Same trouble with the drivers seat on mine, as I had it in last week for the Wiper Assembly to be replaced, I told him about it. He gave me one of those irritating "Mechanic's Look's", and said to leave it to him. I did, went over for a full English opposite and a wander round PC World. When I got back it was all done and I asked what it was(Fuse or wiring) He said neither, he had removed the seat and physically jiggled it..!!! (As a vicar, I don't think I should get involved with that sort of thing!) Anyway, apparently, the motors often stick and that is all it takes! It works fine now, there was no charge for the 'Jiggling' but £140 for the wiper assembly. I am hoping for a good collection this week! Hope this is helpful, Phill (Reverend)
  5. Hi Jane, Had the same problem with mine (2002 S-Type), After a lo0ad of faffing around it turned out to be the Starter Motor. I replaced it with a Jaguar starter, but you can get a Bosch a lot cheaper! Don't take her to the dealer though, take her to a good independent to have her checked out. Hope this helps, Kind regards, Phill
  6. Well that's three of us, anybody else..? Reverand
  7. Hi Ken & Peter, I have just got back from the Brighton meet, it was a fantastic time had by all! Thought I would have seen you two there, where were you? The only down side was the price of the parking in Brighton, £10-40p for four hours!!!!!!! Joan and I nipped over to see the "Battle of Britain" Memorial, I had always wanted to see that and it was well worth the visit! We were seventh to catch in a line of ten or so Jag's when a great old American car swerved to avoid cyclists and nearly took out the first four of us..! He then took a short de-tour up the side banking of the dual carriageway, when he came to a stop I have never seen anyone with eyes as wide as his (Except for the first four Jag drivers), and his wife was not very amused either! There and back, 614 miles, ave 37.5 MPG, Not bad for the old bus..! It would be great if we could get a meet arranged here, say Brecon or Mumbles! Regards to all. Phill, Reverend. 0:-)
  8. Well organised Steve a fantastic day out, the wife and I enjoyed every minute of it and it was a great way to put faces to the people and cars! See you next year! Reverand. 0 ;-)
  9. Happy Birthday Reverand!

  10. And once you have passed all the "Misunderstood" youngsters, negotiated all the speed humps, got to the beach to find all the car-parks built on. Then re-negotiated all the speed humps, once again dodged the "Misunderstood" youngsters and got back into town. You can then join the queue of people waiting to leave town but can't because they have closed the slip road onto the M4 for two hours twice a day! You might be tempted to use the new by-pass to the south! Built to give easy access to all parts of the town, only the new road only gives access to the Abbey Works, all the turn-offs to the town are unfinished! Nice of the council to build a brand new road for the Abbey Works wasn't it? I would not use it though, because at the end of it you run into the queue of traffic waiting for them to re-open the slip road for the M4 again! I try to stay indoors now, being a vicar I'm not allowed to use the language you hear in these queues! It has stopped the accidents though, you have to be moving to have one of those! Regards you all, Phill
  11. Hi Ron, Great idea, I agree with Kenny though, not a lot of us here in South Wales it seems it's only him and me!!!!!! The wife and I are off to the Brighton meet in May, we are looking forward to that. I was going to suggest a meet in Aberavon Beach, but they have put speed humps on all the approach roads and built on all the car parks (I don't think they like Jag's here..!). Regards, Phill
  12. Hi Steve, As the wife and I are coming up from South Wales, we will be overnighting in a Hotel/Services on the way. What time are we starting the meet in Pease Pottage Services for the convoy, it is quite small there from what I have heard? regards, Phill
  13. Merry Christmas and Happy new year to Jaguars Owners everywhere, and Jaguar Owners Club members in particular..! Phill (Reverend)
  14. Just to say I’m amongst the living That I’m not amongst the dead Though I’m getting more forgetful, and mixed up inside my head. I’ve got used to my arthritis, To my Pacemaker I’m resigned, I can cope now with my Cancer, But I don’t’ half miss my mind! Sometimes I can’t’ remember When standing by the stair, Am I going up for something? Or just come down from there? While staring at the fridge My head is full of doubt Have I just put something in? Or come to take it out? Now I can’t’ remember Did I write to you before? If I have, then just forget this, I don’t’ want to be a bore. And now beside the Post-Box And is my face really red! Instead of posting you this letter I’VE OPENED THE !Removed! THING INSTEAD!!!!!!!! Happy Easter..!
  15. Hi Peter, Kenny, Spent many happy years as weigh-man on 4&5 Blast in the 70's, but the privatisation put paid to all that with cut backs and re-organisations, would not like to be there under Tata though..! Regards, Phill
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