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Everything posted by marka

  1. you were unfortunate. had same issue with dpf they are a curse. no warning light appears to tell you that filter is filling up. cheapest option if you would have caught it earlier was to have dpf removed and remapped.
  2. hopefully getting my s type heating fixed this week. Having spoken to the guy that is looking at mine says the fault is in the heater control valve, but also this can effect the control unit in the cabin, as the heater valves short circuits and can blow the control module. Have done some research and this seems to have been a common fault with the s type. The control modules can be repaired so hopefully mine doesn't require a new one
  3. Hi bryn latest is that leak was from a faulty water pump. Had this replaced but still no heat. Car still in garage most likely is that new heating control valve required. Will let you know when it is sorted. regards mark
  4. Hi josh was it a faulty expansion tank my 2007 s type has same problem when driving seems ok put when you park up water /coolant leaks out from underneath somewhere taking it to garage on Monday hopefully get faulty diagnosed. Also low engine coolant may have knackered heating control valve as no heat in cabin. regards mark
  5. Hi Ian have same problem, going into garage on Monday also loosing some water which only appears when ignition is turned of. Temp guage does not indicate it is over heating. Did you get your issue resolved. Will let you know how I get on. regards marka
  6. have a similar issue, aircon is working, but have no heat. Maybe suspect the heating control valve is faulty. What is the most likely fault causing no heat in cabin?? regards marka
  7. Hi All would like to thank you for welcoming me to the jaguar owners club. Currently I own a 2007 jag s type xs year 2007. I would like advice on a problem that has recently developed. The cooling system is losing coolant, Also the heater has stopped working, which I think maybe linked. Prior to this fault developing unfortunately drove through a flooded road which was quite deep. Not long after this problem started to develop, loosing a little water then cabin heater started to fail, firstly drivers side lost heat then passenger side. My understanding maybe solenoid on heater control valve is knackered. Have a pressure test done and guy in garage said he could leak. It is going back into garage on Monday to try and locate leak and fault with cabin heating. Any advice would be most appreciated. regards marka
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