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Everything posted by fireman71000

  1. Had one from Yellowf743 have now deleted it.
  2. yes that would suffice admirably. There are numerous glues on the market, copydex was an excellent adhesive but not seen it about recently. used that on previous classics interiors i have restored.
  3. do you need a gun ? sorry got no lippy ha!!!
  4. Hi Gary, re your series 3. A lot depends upon condition and what has been done to it over the years along with service history and maintenance. There is a wide gap in prices regarding poor, reasonable, very good, immaculate conditions. Does it have all original numbers re engine, gearbox, does it have a heritage certificate stating authenticity of engine numbers etc. Has it been restored or is it original condition, has it been valued for insurance purposes, is it auto or manual, interior condition, ex import, you mention 5k spend on engine, what did that entail, plus point only two owners. I had a series 3 1971 and have just sold it and made 5k on it after owning it just 10 months, I could have turned 5k into 15k with some extra outlay and additional work. I am now well versed in what to look for on an e type series 3 after spending considerable time undertaking hands on experience with a professional ex jaguar mechanic/restorer who gave my car a thorough going over and explained every area (and i mean every) on the good bad and terrible re what to look for. e types can be notorious for rust as you probably are aware. After all that (sorry for the drawn out reply) but I could cover pages and pages of what to look for in e types re a seller or a buyer, it may pay in the long run as Peter kindly suggests to have the car given the once over by a specialist dealer in restoration/servicing and you should then be able to ask with confidence a price. Shame you are a distance aways from me, I could have given your car a once over for an hour to define condition. If its an engine out job its very costly, and a buyer would/should if any sense !!! pay special attention to the picture frame for that very reason. sill corrosion (holes inside rear w heel arches usual reason) and boot/floor pan are notorious to check for rust, delamination of rear suspension housing is also a vulnerable area, bonnet is critical re damage or corrosion all these affect selling price considerably. I mention these area's specifically so you can check yours. Hope it helps a little. All in all the e type is a beautiful car, it complimented my Porsche 911 a beauty in itself also. Good luck. Pictures would help define condition, why are you selling ? they are an appreciating classic but and a big but, condition is the deciding factor. beware some who offer to take it off your hands for next to nothing, believe me i experienced some of these charachters.
  5. Hi Peter, likely to have the "Old Girl" snuggled up in the garage, however if you have time on your hands your more than welcome to drop by. Regards Adrian
  6. HI Pete, I will make a start on contacting classic Jag specialists I have a few lined up now and hopefully they will rectify the problem for me.
  7. Hi Pete, and one and all...........I am going to do a lot of following up on info received, going googled eyed now ha!! Keep em coming and I'll let you know how I am progressing/have progressed. Dont see a lot of the e types about and its coming to the hibernation period for winter for them. Adrian
  8. Hi, anyone got a contact for classic repairs/servicing.............Need to find an e type specialist which may narrow the field down a lot unfortunately. I am near Warrington Cheshire. Some pics of the old girl to whet your whistle on..............
  9. Hi guys, I took the car out and a mate drove in his car in front of me at selected speeds of 30 40 and 50mph's, I was right the speedo is definately out and by around 10mph. It's not a solution as I dont want to be doing maths when driving, but at least I was right to be aware it was not right.
  10. Thanks mate, this owners club site is fabulous, so glad I bought an e type but what a cost to get on this site ha!! Must admit it took me back to my younger days after picking up the old girl today and driving by the seat of my pants with 1970's technology and engineering it just came all flooding back. I'll put a few more pics up for everyone to hopefully enjoy. I live near Warrington and I am looking for a nearby "Classic Jaguar" specialist who knows e types who is reputable and able to service etc. Hopefully someone will come up with suggestions...........
  11. I have picked up my e type today and very nice it is too, one thing I need help/advice on is that the rear diff has been changed out from the standard to that of what I think is an XJS, an invoice states it as 2-88. Issue is that the speedo is not showing correct and I estimate the road speed to be 10mph higher than what the speedo shows. Any suggestions as to how to rectify, I really need it to be accurate for obvious reasons. Thanks in advance............Adrian
  12. Tks Kenny, I am definately going to display the period plate type as my car was first reg in June 1971. I'll have a good look around for a supplier. Cheers Adrian
  13. Hi, I will need to replace my front number plate on my e type when my new reg comes through. Now then I want to replace the current plate with another adhesive plate with a black background with white numerals which sticks to the front bonnet as in keeping with most e types. I am told by a plate manufacturer of which I enquired about a plate that they are not road legal ?? I presume the date of the vehicle (1971) means I dont have to meet current day specification ? could someone put me right on this please. Thanks in advance.......Best Adrian
  14. Hi guys, yes once I get "her" home I'll take the usual photo's upon day 1..........Tks for your interest, Regards Adrian
  15. Hi everyone, well this is my first visit to this site because I have never owned a Jaguar before! I take delivery of a 1971 series III e type on Sat and I am looking forward to driving such a fantastic beast. I would fill this page with the amount of bikes and car I have owned in the 70's to date, but I dont think anything is going to come close to the fantastic sexy lines of an e type. I will no doubt be on this site often asking for information, hoping all you ladies and guys who have lots of knowledge and experience to share! Best Adrian
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