Wow I thought my list was long, but you have beaten that. Some lovely cars in your list I have to say, and some bring back happy memories of days gone by. I nearly went for the S Type diesel, but ended up with the XF, another beautiful car :)
Hi Alastair, and Big Al - Hoooray! Thanks so much for all your encouragement in contacting Jaguar. I did just that, they sent a very pleasant reply and have given me a credit note for the full amount of the repair which I can use at any jag dealership. So I am very pleased indeed. It will go towards my next service of that you can be assured. Once again thanks for your support Rgs Paul :)
Yes, I think it should become legal. I have spoken to a traffic cop who said they already often turn a blind eye to 80mph and are really after those doing 90 mph plus.
Hi all I have now had my leather seat repaired by an amazing speacialist. They have done a marvellous job and you could not tell it had ever been damaged. If anyone is interested go to Or write to Dale at [email protected] I would certainly recommend them. Thanks for all your support and I will let you know if jaguar do anything, but I doubt it. My main concern is that my pride and joy is back up to scratch. Paul
Pasha I never know quite which way I am supposed to reply so have done both, glad we sorted that one as I would hate to feel you thought I was being rude. :)
I would go for the tyre slasher (from Gold FInger Aston MArtin DB5) Some of the mad hair brains who overtake in ridiculous situations would get a surprise!!!LOL
After they saw the problem they said they felt it was probably wear and tear. I felt this was a poor show as the car is not even 3 years old yet. I wonder if anyone else has had leather problems with the XF? Paul
Oh Pasha I am sorry I was not trying to be cheeky or rude. I meant when I saw some of the photos of the cars I noticed some ladies in the photos looking at the cars, so I wondered if one of them might have been you. Please forgive me if you felt I meant something else, because that wasnt the case honest. :(
Hi Thanks for all your interest everyone. Just heard back from Jaguar and they wont repair under guarentee so I am getting a car leather speacialist to have a look. Will keep you informed Paul
Hi I did like the X-Type, loved the retro styling. Always imagined that one day I might be able to afford an XJ, but then they went and changed the design! :( Have decided to drive through France as I know the first part of the journey well (ie as far as the Dordogne) But whenever we have done the trip it has been with a caravan on the back of my wife's 4x4. So this time it will be straight down in my car with no hinderences lol. Hey the Jag Factory Tour sounds great do tell me more. :)