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dinkydimps last won the day on December 21 2015

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About dinkydimps

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  1. Hi Andy I read somewhere that the ecu 'knows' when the service is due, I had the oil changed by a local garage and forgot to reset after that.
  2. After persevering with the reset method for the umpteenth time finally managed to reset!! I decided not to wait for the 'click' and it worked first time!! Thanks to all.....
  3. Hi all, try as I might cannot reset the service message light came on last week. Tried the reset procedure seen on various posts to no avail. What happens if I ignore it? Had the oil/filter changed about 6weeks ago. Should I do a 'hard reset' taking the battery leads off, or can it be reset with a code reader? Any help much appreciated.
  4. I got mine from a dealer with full service history and 74k on the clock, I paid an extra £100 for a years warranty something I rarely do, good job I did because the brake servo went after 3 months costing £500+vat!! Apart from that I love it has plenty of grunt when you need it got to watch the speed cameras though!!
  5. Hi, just wondered when my halfords discount card will be sent?

    Many thanks..

    1. Steve


      HI.. I am looking in to this and will get another pack sent out to you




  6. Not yet received my discount card and itching to spend xmas money!!
  7. Mine threw a wobbly before christmas gearbox fault light, new battery fitted now sorted although sat nav playing up not showing postcode box option but as it's next to useless probably stick to my garmin....
  8. Doesn't work and when I contacted them they did not recognise the club as being eligible for discount.
  9. My better half saw the advert for my s type(complete with leaper) on tinternet and announced that's the one! done deal from then on.
  10. Just been online to put the code in for 5% discount with tyre shopper they refused to honour the code.... be warned......... needless to say I won't be buying my tyres from them. Confirmed by online chat.
  11. Had a scary experience the other day when approaching a roundabout, applied the brakes which initially worked then applied more pressure and brakes faded to nothing, just managed to stop in time. Think it might be the servo, I have a warranty which I hope will cover the costs so in accordance with their policy have booked the car in at Halfords for a free brake check. My car 2.7d s type has only done 78k I wonder if this is a common fault with the model?
  12. Glad you got sorted, when I bought my house 20yrs ago I wasn't that bothered that the previous owner had converted the double garage into a single using the other half for an extra bedroom. Now I have the big cat it's a bit of a squeeze to get her in the garage, but retracting the mirrors and being very careful I can get in and out, I have a ball on a string to indicate how far to go in. Happy days...................
  13. Hi, glad you are enjoying your S, mine seems identical to yours although can't say I have any issues with the mirrors only that they wouldn't fold manually so had to remove the covers and lubricate them. Just wish they were powerfold like on my previous x....
  14. Bought a 2006 2.7d se yesterday and spent some time trying to pair my phone with bluetooth, not successful so far, it must work as the previous owners phone numbers were still in the memory! Also discovered 'voice' is fitted so will have some fun getting that to recognise me as well! early days yet but wow what a quiet engine compared to my previous x type which sounded like a bag of spanners!
  15. Hi all, ever since I purchased my cat last year I have been plagued by a faulty rev counter, it has a mind of it's own and only works now and again, I have to constantly reset it on the Test feature but it doesn't last long. The battery is showing 11.8 volts with engine off and 14 volts when running, so could it be a sticky needle or a fuse/wiring problem? If I have to replace the whole cluster do I have to get a replacement specific to my model or will anyone do? I even resorted to blanking out the rev counter display so I couldn't see it because it is right in your line of sight! then I realised of course I wouldn't be able to see the warning lights!!
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