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kgb last won the day on January 1 2015

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  1. Hi Grant, thank you for your reply it is much appreciated I can assure you. I shall give this potential fix a try, fingers crossed.
  2. Hello Peter, Thank you so very much for your help as it is most appreciated I can assure you.
  3. Hi chaps, I'm on the info scrounge again my Jag has been in to my local garage, he informs me that I will need a "Climate control / sat nav unit" as the one on my car is a sealed unit so I am looking for a second hand one can anyone recommend a good place to find one. I thank you in advance and am so very appreciative of the help given so far from board members. My very kind regards, kgb
  4. Hi Peter, Thank you so much for your help, much appreciated.
  5. A very good day to all members. I am seeking some guidance I have a 2006 S Type R with an air con problem, I recently tried to have the system re charged but with no joy evidently the system held a charge but no cold air so the garage chap plugged in his fault finder which came up with something about a fault with the "Gate" . I have spoken to the chap who normally looks after my beloved car and he has said that the unit its self would cost around £800 and he would have to take the whole dash out, so it appears to be a very costly repair. I would be truly grateful to any members to share their thoughts, is a second hand unit a possibility for instance. I do thank you in advance for any thoughts in this matter, My kind regards, Kgb.
  6. Sunny Hertfordshire. :D
  7. And very beautiful she is to, love the colour
  8. Good day chaps, If you would be kind enough I would like some thoughts and advice. I have a 2006 S-Type R and have read somewhere that changing the pulley size of the supercharger will increase the horse power. My questions are fairly obvious, would it be sacrilege to alter the car from the standard, would the added HP be noticeable and would this type of tinkering around potentially damage the engine. Thanks in advance for any opinions or advice.
  9. Thanks very much, it is a joy to drive. When I first drove her I was somewhat disappointed with how she sounded so I had some bespoke rear boxes fitted which have added a few more horses to the stable and made her burble nicely, what is quite nice is when she is under some enthusiastic acceleration the sound of the exhausts in conjunction with the whine of the supercharger does bring a smile to my face I must say.
  10. Hello Peter, My first Jag was an old XJ6 which I truly loved but some uninsured B*&^%"*D hit me from behind writing my beauty off, it was not until a friend of many years reminded me of just how much I loved Jaguars that I decided to renew my relationship with Jaguars. Anyway I decided that I particularly like the S-Type style and thought if I were to buy one then buy the S-Type R and a !Removed! good decision it was too. :D
  11. Thank you Peter, a new boy always appreciates a warm welcome.
  12. Hi chaps, I have just bought my 2006 S-Type R and I must say that she is everything that I expected so this being my second post on the forum I thought that I would show her off a little. Thanks Escortmad for starting this thread. So here is my pride and joy.
  13. A good day to you all, As this is my first post I would like to introduce myself, my name is Keith and having just bought my S-Type R I decided that the best place for some information, help and gossip is this wonderful forum. I shall look forward to contributing to the board and hopefully enjoying my time here.
  14. Steve

    Welcome to the Jaguar forums kgb :)

    1. kgb


      Hi Steve, thanks for the welcome much appreciated.

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