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Dave C

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  1. Hi everyone. Thanks for the advice so far. I will keep digging for possibilities and will let you know of anything in due course. In the meantime, mine will be getting a main dealer service in about 2 months and I will ask them to re-check ALL heat shields, rear brake caliper clips and drive shaft centre bearing. Any other possibilities you can come up within the meantime would be of interest as I would like to cure it sooner rather than later. Many thanks David.
  2. Hi there, Has anyone had experience of and cured an occasional noise coming from underneath their car. My AWD 2.5 manual (30k) is fine when cold, but when warm there is a metallic tin can type of rattle or click at low revs and speeds. Can hear it when manouvering back and forward. It's been to my nearest dealer who said the heat shields were ok, but they might have missed one which is not so obvious, maybe attached to the underbody above the exhaust. Other possibilities could be a rattling carrier bearing on the rear drive shaft and I have read on other forums about rattling brake pads. Wheel bearings are ok. There is no noise at any revs when stationary or with the clutch dipped. After moving off, the rattle is not present above around 1500 rpm. It therefore appears to be heat and vibration related. Any possible solutions would be appreciated Many thanks.
  3. Welcome to the Jaguar forums Dave C :)

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