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Mike666 last won the day on October 20 2015

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  1. Hi all Just a quick update, I have swapped out the old sensor but the pin won't move off the stop. Some times when I turn her on it will register a temperature but then slowly drop to the cold position Any ideas please Mike
  2. This seems to get on the mods nerves many thanks Joe Lets see if this gets taken down Mike
  3. Cheers Jim will update soon
  4. Hi all again Not having a good day so far. My coolant guage has stopped working was told it was probably the sensor but don't know where it is on the 2L diesel any advance? Many thanks in advance Mike
  5. Hi all! I noticed this morning that I was getting some vibrations through the steering wheel, so I checked my weights just in case I had lost one but to my amazement I have snapped a wheel stud! How easy is it to replace the stud or is it a full hub assembly? X-type estate 2L diesel Many thanks in advance Mike
  6. Hiya and welcome to the world of the jaguar x-type! I found that xtypeparts.com have a wide range of stock and is possibly a good place to start Good luck and all the best Mike
  7. Hi cyberj I had a similar fault, it turned out to be a cambus fault so had to swap gem unit and clocks. I would start by reading the fault codes that should "shed light on the problem" sorry couldn't be more helpful Good luck
  8. Codes read first then! Lol thanks for your assistance
  9. Will get the codes read but the trouble I have is that it's only intermittent could it be a split in a boost pipe?
  10. I have a 2.0L diesel and it goes into limp mode when under acceleration with the glowplug warning light on the dash. Any ideas would be very well received Thanks in advance Mike
  11. Happy Birthday Mike666!

  12. Hi all Just a quick update, new battery fitted (no joy) looked at the workshop manual, it advised to test the main earth strap. PROBLEM SOLVED with the Speedo As for the rest of the instrument pack it turns out it needed a new "body control module "
  13. hi all count me in (as long as i can get the time off work) Mike B Xtype estate 2.0L 54reg PS we'll be traveling down from nottinghamshire anyone know any good hotels in the area?
  14. Trevor nothing in there that i can see but always useful to have Many thanks Mike :D
  15. Hi Trevor having looked at the battery it looks small in the compartment (space on either side) is this normal? if not i will get a new one. i have had the diagnostics done and all it has come up with is it had a power surge 60A fuse (glow plugs) keeps blowing thanks for the infomation i will keep updating Mike
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