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Everything posted by V8Rumble

  1. Just an update since carrying out the above actions I no longer have any water in the boot. Thanks for all the input :)
  2. Found some will have to have a measure up for the right size http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/270781721923?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/270721504858?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  3. Another thread http://www.roadtestreports.co.uk/qanda/65498/
  4. Hi again Had a chance to do some digging and found these http://www.jaguarownersclub.com/forums/topic/8233-s-type-auxiliary-pre-heater-jaguar-27-diesel/ http://www.jaguar-world.com/features/qaas/1088-diesel-smoke-intrusion http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2006-JAGUAR-S-TYPE-2-7-DIESEL-AUXILIARY-DIESEL-WEBASTO-PRE-HEATER-9007152D-/191421406769 As can be seen in the e-bay ad the metal hose is split just like mine now I have just got to locate a new piece.
  5. Hi When I bought the car the drivers side headlamp squirter was broken and on cold start up there was blue smoke coming up from behind the passenger side headlight (bargaining points on price). I sourced a new one and fitted it. To do this I had to remove the front bumper and headlight and whilst the bumper was off noticed a "tin box " with a flexible metal pipe coming from it about 1" in diameter below the passenger side headlight. The flexible pipe has unwound and just resembles a spiral decoration so this is obviously where the smoke/fumes are coming from. My question is what is this item and what does it do so I can source parts to repair? Any pointers appreciated.
  6. Hi Dried the boot out today and removed the rubber trim but there was no build up of dirt but what looked like a non setting sealant but not much of it so I just put the seal back on. I removed the black covers that go over the light lenses and there was a lot of wet dirt there so cleaned it all off. On the drivers side there was a steel clip missing so it may not have been seating properly so I cleaned off the original mastic and reapplied some silicone and taped the cover down till it had time to set a bit. I will check from time to time to see what happens.
  7. Isn't the space saver steel?
  8. I have searched this forum and others and found the boot seal or rear light seals may be the culprit so out with the silicone sealant
  9. When I bought my S type there was a puddle of water in the boot which I put down to it standing around in the winter months on a forecourt. I soaked up the water and dried it out but now five weeks later the water is back, is there a common fault or place where the water would be getting in on these cars?
  10. Yeah I found it a few years ago and have used it loads of times for searching for a spare or if you buy alloys etc This is another good one if you cannot get 18" but you can adjust the tyre size to bring it up to the correct/safe rolling diameter as it is only a spare, say like a 17" X type wheel but with the correct profile tyre or even a 16" Ford wheel again with a higher profile tyre but check the smaller wheel clears calipers etc, they usually do. http://www.carbibles.com/tyre_size_calculators.html
  11. Check this link for cars with a similar size rim http://www.wheelfitment.eu/car/Jaguar/S-Type%20(2006%20-%202008)/
  12. Hands up and a bit of a senior moment, I didn't read the fuse list properly but have done since and the 15 and 20 amp fuses had blown for the lighter and power socket. Now replaced all is working as it should don't know what the previous owner plugged into it to blow the fuses. Thanks for the pointers and making me look again Trevor
  13. Thanks for the reply and the welcome Peter. I did think about that one but I am not too clued up on this canbus thing, afraid I am old school where you just follow wires :D Will have a look when I get chance once I have figured out how to get to it with all the secret fixings.
  14. I have just noticed that neither my cigarette lighter and power socket do not work. Only had the car just over a week and I have checked the fuse in the boot as well as the relay along with the fuse in the passenger compartment and all are okay. Does anyone know of any other reason why they would not work?
  15. I have the same problem and asked in the general area, so far have been advised to clean the disc and the sat nav cd player.
  16. Used it a few times it is good stuff, if K seal doesn't cure it then you have to change the part/s.
  17. Thanks for the info Trevor I will try the clean thing
  18. Thanks for the quick reply, the disc says Jaguar and has Europe written on it I just wondered if it was out of date or something. I will try cleaning etc when I finish work.
  19. Hi New to the forum as I have just bought an S type on an 07 plate but the sat nav displays and invalid disc. Am I right to assume I need an updated disc and if so which one? Any pointers appreciated. Tim
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