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  1. Hi Geoff did you get to find the problem with the coolant leak I have the same but proving difficult to find

  2. Hi Ken, thanks for getting back. The car was up to temperature and pressurised when lifted and inspected but no obvious sprays could be seen. Even tried with engine running too. Geoff.
  3. My Jaguar S type 2.7d has been losing a little coolant. I gave it a thorough inspection today, removing the lower cover, air filter etc. It seems the coolant is leaking from the passenger side of the engine and there is some of it leaking down this pipe here This appears to be a coolant metal pipe which joins to rubber pipes at the bottom and near the top of the engine. I have looked near the top join but there doesn’t seem to be any leaking however, there is a metal thing sticking out from the engine about half way up which has coolant on it and it almost touches this pipe. I am not sure what it is because I cannot see it from the top at all and visibility from the bottom is poor, it is on the passenger side of the engine. I did wonder if it is a thermostat housing or something? If anyone has any advice it would be gratefully appreciated. Here it is.
  4. Geoff4474


  5. Happy Birthday Geoff4474!

  6. Has anyone ever bought / used a Jaguar S-Type workshop manual from www.emanualonline.com ?
  7. Thanks for that folks! I may have more question if and when I get stuck!
  8. I was thinking of having a go at servicing my S-type myself. Is there a list of what is done for the minor and major service? I will be getting help from my friend who has worked on a lot of old cars but the most complex one he has done is the vauxhall C20xe so whether the 2.7d is a lot more complex to service? Any advice/guidance would be great.
  9. Welcome to the Jaguar forums Geoff4474 :)

    1. Geoff4474


      Thank you! Just registered and having a look around. I have recently bought myself a 2.7 diesel S-Type which I think is pretty fab and I have wanted one for so long!

  10. Geoff4474


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