paul it really is bad nowadays. their is no respect thank you is a word from years ago, as a retailer you are lucky to get ta or cheers, young ones are dragged up nowadays only one parent up bringing, and if "she" or HE is maybe not taught "respect" as a youngster growing up then the younger ones they have , have none, my family owns fast food outlets in the south east of the country and on a daily encounter our "staff" are treated to all manners off "swearing" and abuse , and that's from the locals, police getting called all the time at premises dose not go down well with council licencing depts., I had to "grap hold off a so called "customer" a big chap, I was in the doing a regular visit when this one "kicked off" and tried to slap on of the girls, I seen this and pinned the clown to the floor using a choke hold, as I went against pops wishes and joined the forces when I was young. told the manager to call the police, but he was let off with a caution. lucky I was their as in the ten mins it took me and him had a chat,ect cctv is a great thing,