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Raistlin last won the day on February 18

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About Raistlin

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  1. Retrofit. I would really like to get interactive cruise control installed on my XJR575 (X351) There is a company in Essex who do the job but there is no way I can get to them from Wolverhampton. Does anybody know of somebody who could do the job within the West Midlands or even a mobile service please?
  2. When I bought my XJR last December there was no handbook wallet with it and enquiries with JLR confirmed that it was only available as a complete wallet pack which has to be individually ordered from the original publisher via JLR given the VIN number for the car. I'm not even going to say how much it cost πŸ˜‰and how long it took to actually materialise. In the meantime, the rep who sold me the car managed to locate the original car documentation wallet for me, rendering the new pack of no use to me. Would the brand new pack ( still in original box} be of use to anybody? The car is a 2018 X351 and is the same for all the models apparently.
  3. When attempting to login to Navigation in my car I keep getting "Unable to connect problem at our end please try later" I can login via internet or app no problem Any ideas please?
  4. There is one place, where I'm turning right into a road and I get an audio warning tone of two beeps but no visual indication that I can see. It only ever happens in one spot and there doesn't seem to be anything specific in the street to suggest a cause. It's only in my XJR575. No grief, just puzzled? Any (reasonable) ideas please?
  5. Just thought I'd have a nose around in my InControl account and found this journey. 5L, supercharged V8, 575HP... and almost 30 mpg. I can't object to that πŸ™‚
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  6. Further to last Tom, I setup my SIM in the car yesterday and this morning received an email from JLR offering me a choice of options / prices.
  7. Thanks Tom πŸ™‚
  8. Further, can anybody tell me how to suscribe for these services please? I can find lots of info now that I am connected but can't see how to actually make payment for the services. Thank you.
  9. Does anybody know please, whether the window tint on an XJR integral with the glass or a removeable film? Thank you
  10. Thank you πŸ™‚
  11. Here she is:- Jaguar XJR - OE18HWT.mp4
  12. Oh well...never mind.
  13. My latest car is an XJ with the wide screen central display and In Control Touch Pro. Please can somebody explain to me what facilities are available and how I would set it up? Thank you πŸ™‚
  14. The XF is going and for my Birthday and start of retirement I had decided to go for something less flamboyant and lower performance as a nice little runaround.... NOT πŸ˜‰ And here she is:- Deposit paid and due for arrival mid December. She has just about every bell and whistle on board as well πŸ˜‰ For those who have less than perfect sight, the red text to the left of the "R" badge on the boot lid is:- 5...7...5 πŸ™‚
  15. I hate it with a passion.
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