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  1. Had it done, still no cold air but thanks for your help.
  2. Hi everyone, anyone replaced their compressor on a 2.7 diesel 2005. anyone had it done and at what cost. Much sucking of teeth at local garages.
  3. Looking good at the moment Peter.
  4. Black S Type pictured at start of the new Magnum advert, anybodies we know ?
  5. £265 for my S type diesel, not on agreed mileage.
  6. Ok Peter, will repost later in the year.
  7. Looks like no interest so I'll shelve that idea.
  8. Looking like the 29th May maybe, anyone else?
  9. I am thinking that perhaps a race meeting at Mallory Park as there is room in the car park to display the Jags and watch the racing at the same time, they have a meeting which includes Jag saloons including an S type. The entry is very reasonable, less than £10 I think incl. car park. Anyone interested? Maybe a barbeque.
  10. Don't know if you remember me Peter but I was the second to show at Gaydon last year, the red S parked next to you.
  11. I was thinking more of somewhere to show off the marque to the great unwashed.
  12. Anyone else going, didn't have too many last time about 10 of us I think.
  13. Anybody interested in a meetup soon, maybe at a race meeting Donington, Mallory or Silverstone maybe. Open to all Jags and drivers both of any age. Could arrange amusements like dwarf throwing or wife/girlfriend or neighbours wife carrying. All ideas welcome.
  14. Brilliant, treat yourself to a cold one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Fingers crossed, love to you both.
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