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  1. Our 2004 2.0 Diesel estate has identical issues - lumpy idle, sooty 'clearouts' etc. Have replaced the MAF; this improved a number of minor issues but not the idle/soot. Also, I've seen so many reports now of blanking off the EGR valve; sorry to be ignorant, but surely this must affect something adversely. It must have a purpose? Does it affect emissions, for example? Thinking MOT here.
  2. Esteemed Members..... Our 2.0Diesel estate was neglected before coming into our fold and had a few issues. Nearly all have now been sorted now but one remains - the car idles very poorly. Accelerates well, cruises well, economy is good etc etc BUT the idle is not right at all. When coming to a halt the idle returns to a steady 900 rpm or so for a couple of seconds, then the revs drop to about 750, it hunts around and makes sounds that I can only describe as 'shuffling' - which probably isn't a technical term. Never stalls but just not Jaguar-like. The air mass sensor has been replaced and I'm hoping someone will suggest something simple - like a air/vacuum leak or similar - but dreading any reply with the letters DMF in it. The letters EGR I could probably cope with. Any hints welcomed. Also - I keep seeing references to blanking plates on the EGR. What are the pros and cons of this? Granted, I am ignorant, but surely it must affect SOMETHING adversely? And, if it doesn't, which would I need to get?! Ours is a late 2004 model. Many thanks. Graham
  3. Happy Birthday TheBFJ!

  4. Hello All, I recently acquired an early (one of the first few thousand) 1996 XK8 coupe - which I love to bits. I'm pretty sure my car is still on its original engine - it covered low miles in its early years and might well have escaped any Nikasil damage. Only has 67k miles today. I understand many early cars had engine replacements under warranty but can't find any evidence of this. Have seen that replacement engines are denoted by a tag, label or similar. If this is true, where would I have to look for it? Many thanks - Graham
  5. Have recently bought a 2004 X-Type Diesel Estate. Well pleased with the car but have only just noticed that the paintwork is really rough and gritty across the whole car. Yes - I know I should have looked more carefully, and yes, I know you shouldn't view a car when it's wet - so, I realise this is my fault. There's no rusting from underneath - it's on the surface. It's almost as if it has spent it's previous life outside a chemical plant or similar. Since it came from the Teeside area, this is a distinct possibility. Only when close up is anything visible but it appears to be covered in tiny specks of something - almost like metallic shards of dust. It feels like a very fine grit sandpaper to the touch when it's dry. I know this sounds weird. T-Cut metallic improves things a little but what I would be interested to learn is whether anyone thinks a professional auto paint restorer might be able to bring it back to something like it should be. To complicate matters I live in Wester Ross - Inverness is the largest place within 150 miles - so I'm guessing either someone based there or mobile. Have attached a pic, but not great! Any advice/suggestions gratefully received. Thanks. Graham
  6. Much obliged, Frank. Seems like this is the first option to pursue. Will keep you - and others - posted. Thanks also for the welcome :)
  7. Hello Sages. Wondering if you can help a virgin - so to speak! Have just acquired a late 2004 X-Type Estate - 2.0D SE on 118k miles. Generally very pleased with it but wondered if someone could shed light on what is the only real issue. Car runs well and cruises quietly and pretty economically. HOWEVER there is a nasty knock/rattle for a second or two after a cold start (which stops with a touch of throttle), accompanied by a cloud of grey/black smoke. At no other time does it rattle or smoke, even under hard acceleration. ALSO - and this could just be me getting used to a new diesel - I think it lacks a bit of go in fourth and fifth gears (seems punchy in the lower three) and maybe idles a wee bit inconsistently at idle. Could these symptoms be linked? - Injectors, maybe, or EGR valve? Obviously I'd like to sort the (minor) problem/s and, if anything significant, it should be covered under warranty. Appreciate your collective wisdom. Thanks :)
  8. Welcome to the Jaguar forums TheBFJ :)

    1. TheBFJ


      Thanks, Steve. Good to be aboard. Already had some mechanical wisdom sent my way!

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