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Uncle David

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Uncle David last won the day on March 20 2015

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  1. Ron, Yes, driving around in cool aircon is bliss! Agree totally about scissor jacks. Horrid design and can't be trusted. Best regards David
  2. Sorted. Finally managed to get the time today and jacked the nearside up and removed the front tyre. Removing the wheel arch liner was not easy since the screws were all corroded. Anyway, I disconnected the Alarm unit, replaced F25 in the glove box and hey presto! Full aircon, blower etc. Normal service resumed....except no alarm. I just need to get a replacement alarm unit now and reset the engine light. A final sting in the tail. On fitting the road wheel and tightening the nuts finger tight, I began to lower the jack. Suddenly, the car dropped to the floor. Seems the threaded retainer on the scissor Jack had failed! This is rather worrying. I wonder if any other members have had this problem?? My jack looks like new and even though the car is 12 years old, I wouldn't have thought it would fail like that? Anyhow, best find that alarm unit. Cheers all! David
  3. No worries guys....I analysed the electrical diagrams last night and it would appear that one (of the 3) supply lines from F25 does feed the Active Security Sounder, or as I would call it, the Alarm sounder unit, which is under the near side front bumper area. I aim to disconnect this, replace the fuse and then see if the fuse still blows. This fault is quite perplexing, since a fault in the alarm unit, which is in a vulnerable area to water etc, seems to result in the loss of all these systems! Driving without demisters, heater blowers, air con, etc etc is not very acceptable I feel. If this is indeed the fault, I am tempted to re-wire the alarm unit to a separate fuse, thus leaving these other systems on their own dedicated fuse. (I managed to write all this without allowing my son to configure my iPad sell chekerz!)
  4. Forgot to mention.....I disconnected IP101 and replaced the fuse. It still blew. All this is with ignition off.
  5. Well, sad to report, the plot thickens. Replaced the RCCM and After about 2 seconds, fuse 75 blows again. I understand the fuse feeds pins 1 and 14 of IP101 of the RCCM, but it also feed the Active Security Sounder? I can't seem to locate that on the car, but obviously something is dragging the power to earth, but not instantly....it's around 2-3 seconds. The fuse is 7.5A, so that's a lot of current. Any ideas again, much appreciated. Thanks
  6. Yes sorry Jim. Never can get the hang of this iPad auto spell checker!
  7. Hi Ron Many thanks my friend! Am awaiting delivery of the unit. Driving without Hester, blowers or demisters is a real pain! Cheers David
  8. Update: Interestingly, I checked fuses 75, 80 &99 tonight in the glovebox fuse box and discovered fuse 75 (7.5A) had blown. This supplies power to the folding mirrors module (I don't have) battery backup sounder (don't know about) and the Climate Control ECU. Seems the ECU is duff. Rule 1 then, is not to try doing diagnosis whilst suffering man-flu. Ordered a replacement from fleabay today. Will fit and feedback the results (after carrying out further voltage/continuity checks).
  9. Thanks Guardian. I need to recheck the fuses and earths tonight but have a nasty feeling that the Remote Climate Control Module thingy may have given up the ghost. There's a few on Fleabay but trying to identify the right one is a problem since nobody seems to be quoting the Jaguar 2SC XXXX part numbers. Hey-ho, we soldier on!
  10. Just managed to get a scan tool and discovered there are two fault codes; P1111 and P1699 and the EMS light is on. I'll do some research and post my findings.
  11. I have a 52 plate 2.5 V6 X-Type AWD Saloon with Sat Nav. Today I nipped down to the corner shop and on the way back, the EMS light came on, the air con is not working and there's no blower, demisters, heated screen, or rear demist. On the small LCD below the screen, there is the clock displayed, but there is no outside temp display or climate control temp, so it looks like nothing is working. No lights on any of the buttons. Everything else seems to be working on the car. If you select climate control on the touch screen, it says "Communications Failure - Please consult your dealer". I've checked fuses and swapped the aircon relay with the horn relay (seem to be the same) but no fault found. Can anyone please offer advice as I don't have Mongoose etc. My thanks in advance.
  12. I'm thinking of swapping out the ABS Pump and ECU unit on my 2002 2.5 x-Type. Can anyone tell me if the replacement will need coding, or would it just be a straight swap? Thanks David
  13. Hi Guys. All confirmed. The hub nut is indeed 32mm. You need a deep socket. Cheers
  14. Don't know if it helps, but a interesting discovery for me... Recently bought my son a car. The garage had jet washed or otherwise steam cleaned the engine.Just a few weeks later, it was mis-firing between 2000-3000 revs and running a bit lumpy. Removing the plugs (recessed into the head) I found they were all rusty/corroded. A new set later and it runs like a dream! I think I'd rather have a "honest looking" engine anyday.
  15. David, thanks, but it's definately to do with the ABS as the break pedal moves. I've replaced the N/S/F sensor, but am beginning to suspect the ABS Pump and ECU. Anyway, that's next months project as the Minister for Home Affairs.....she says No until payday. (Wife)
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