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jaydeeuu last won the day on January 16 2016

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  1. As an added comment to previous posts on the "seized nut issue" - this week moving wheels/tyres around I found I had two seized nuts - the chrome covers just spun and removing them (the covers), then using a smaller socket plus breaker bar, I found it impossible to shift them. The tyre fitter who had fitted new tyres on the two wheels was unable to help (bashing on a socket & using his air stuff just spun the socket) - however I noted the comment by ANDYDJ (thanks for that) ref specialists and checked Google. I found one 10 mins away who removed both nuts within 15 mins; charge £30.00 which included two brand new replacement nuts. Chatting away (as you do) he mentioned that the S type was a common call out for him (at garages, tyre fitters etc - his main customer base) & recommended that I should remove all of the other nuts and lubricate with copper grease (already also mentioned in an earlier post) Now for the next journey into the unknown !!!!!! - MOT next wednesday Regards .... John
  2. jaydeeuu


    Hi Paul .... Many thanks for the response, I will pass your views on when I get the Jag serviced - as a further puzzle with the brake pedal. Before starting the car and with my foot on the pedal, the pedal is hard; as soon as started the pedal becomes quite soft and appears to have a fair bit of movement. This is something I have not experienced in other cars I have owned/used, and the basis for the rear pad comment from my local garage. John
  3. As mentioned in an earlier post, I suffer from battery drain which I keep under control with a trickle charger. Surfing the net with regard to "headlamp flashing" leads to comment which apparently relates to a known fault within the loom that can be corrected with a Jaguar "fix it" - the flashing indicates a fault in the wiring in front of the O/S headlight, which causes the battery drain - additional comment implies that the flashing issue would not be apparent to most people, i.e if the car is garaged, or parked out of sight. I will be having this "fix it" soon, which hopefully will cure my problem. On a further note, I often leave the car garaged for 4 weeks plus (visiting family in Canada) - would disconnecting the battery for that length of time cause any further problems to the electrical system. John 19/10/2016
  4. jaydeeuu


    Yeah .... Also get that most days, apparently (maybe) my local garage tells me the rear pads could do with being replaced? - However, spotted in a much earlier post that if you depress the brake pedal on starting, the warning doesn't appear, the comment is quite correct - which is what I do !!!. At my next service I will have a diagnostic to query why. John
  5. Took the car to N&S / Wakefield - they established where the leak was coming from - to get there resulted in removing airbox, power steering pump and turbo cooler pipes plus I'm sure a number of grazed knuckles - the faulty item was "inlet pipe, part number C2C 23804" - problem now fixed. Next on the agenda, my battery drain, currently thought to be due to corroded wiring behind the front bumper. John
  6. I have the dreaded battery drain ( 2004 2.7D) and currently keep it under control with connecting a trickle charger - I still get every other day DSC & parking brake issues but now well versed in sorting them, (DSC whilst keeping foot on brake before & during starting) - however reason for the post is whilst "surfing" the forum, I spotted comments re the GCEM, I have noted that some 45/60 mins after locking the car the headlamps will flash - apparently?? this denotes there could be a fault with/to this GCEM (whatever it is) that causes my "battery drain" - can anyone comment - this weekend the car is having a coolant leak attended to and I intend to discuss the battery problem at the same time. Regards ... John
  7. Took my car for a pressure test - yes, agreed coolant leaking from somewhere on the n/s of the engine; however to get to the nitty gritty requires air cleaner & power steering etc removing - my local garage suggested it would be sensible to seek out a jaguar experienced operation - their thinking being the problem could be obvious to such a team thus minimising labour costs - GEOFF4474's earlier post is similar to my problem and therefore makes me think the leak could be another S Type issue (along with battery drain, parking brake, DSC not available) etc etc. Can anyone comment before I start raiding the bank. John (Nb car is a 2.7 diesel)
  8. Hi ..... Just doing a little "surfing" and spotted your post - I have a coolant leak similar to the one you describe & wonder if you were able to resolve it. Regards .... John
  9. Can anyone comment on how (or what) a faulty exterior temp' sensor effects the rest of the car - I only ask because recent battery drain issues arrived at the same time as the sensor became stuck at 53 degrees - I will be fitting a new one in the next day or so, hopefully this may be the solution to my battery issues. With regard to my earlier post re' battery drain problems - I have tried all comments and no result, next week I will probably take the car to an auto electrician I know for analysis. John
  10. Hi Jim & Joe Many thanks for the quick response .... The battery is brand new, fitted some 4 weeks ago. I have had the car for some two years with no previous issues, the battery was fitted due to your comments, i.e. a failing battery creating weird electrical issues, mainly a "park brake" problem. As far as I am aware there are no after market additions to the car, but, maybe I will have a thorough check. Something entirely unrelated, having never spotted it before, some times when I walk in front of it, the lights will flash???? John
  11. Recently had to call out the AA due to a flat battery - after starting the car (54 S Type 2.7D / 70K miles) he checked the connections and advised there was a 0,8 amp drain??. A thorough check (lights etc) didn't point to anything but >> Question - the exterior temp gauge has recently gone faulty showing a high reading (53) - I have ordered a new sensor, but could this faulty item be causing the drain? - By the way, the AA guy suggested dis-connecting the battery when not in use i.e. overnight - however in the meantime I connect a trickle charger which seems to do the job. John
  12. Many thanks for the response(s) guys ( and yes Andy CAPS off) - clearly as I presumed a code read is obviously required and in reply to Peter, all other lights are OK. Regards .. John
  14. Welcome to the Jaguar forums jaydeeuu :)

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