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  1. Hi, I have just found and joined this forum which seems to have loads of useful info on it. We have been having ongoing problems with our S type 2004 electronic handbrake. At first it would stick on intermittently and locking and unlocking the car was enough to reset it. Recently we have had to call out the breakdown co. And he had to released it by by-passing the EPB module. An auto electrician told us we needed a new EPB module but this hasn't fixed it. We are now getting 2 warning lights, one stating park brake fault and the othe cruise control unavailable. The car is not being used as often as it was and we are aware the battery is low but have been told it should be fine until winter. After reading some comments on here, it would appear this might be the problem. Obviously we don't want to buy a new battery just yet if it's not going to solve the problem. Any suggestions?
  2. Welcome to the Jaguar forums Collkat :)

    1. Collkat


      Park brake problems with s type. We have had a problem with the handbrake sticking on intermittently for a while but locking and unlocking the car has always released it until now. The breakdown chap released it by bypassing the EPB module. The auto electrician put it on diagnostic machine and said EPB module was faulty so we replaced it but this hasn't fixed it. When switching on we get " Park brake fault" and " cruise control not available". Anyone any ideas?

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