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ven last won the day on June 1 2015

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  1. shell v power + , end of thread
  2. im the opposite , my phone connects every time i get in , im a taxi driver so don't want people listening in , handy when my bluetooth is dead though ;-)
  3. ven


    im doing something wrong then
  4. quite like this
  5. ven


    mines showing 27 mpg around the doors
  6. cant understand why he posted tbh , no info at all :( cracking bit of kit though
  7. same here, just wondered that's all, like i say mine is a taxi so prevention is better than the cure ;)
  8. cheers mate, i have moved the ones i use so they are in the first row, still loads , just looks cluttered ;-)
  9. anyone know how to delete the stored stations please, when i hit am/fm the screen is full, loads i don't want , looked through the manual but cant find it , its the touchscreen version , thanks ( oh & sorry for asking stupid questions, its my 1st jag)
  10. Have you done it? any good ?
  11. so not using the car this weekend, checked how much fuel was in with the distance left to run, it read 96 miles, so thought i would pop a tenner in , fuel gauge pointer moved, but i still had the same distance left on the dash , is a tenner not enough to trigger it or something ? also its still reading 33.9 mpg & average speed 16 mph , although i flogged it up & down the local duel carriageway for the emissions before its taxi test, im confused
  12. update anyway, took it to stradstones & a smashing lad called jason knocked off the auto locking & re programmed my fob, everything is sweet now, cost ? nothing
  13. thanks for the reply mate, its going in stradstones on monday to get that auto -locking removed ;-)
  14. well, got her home , drives like a dream, one problem though , when we parked up the central locking didn't seem to work , i opened the car with the fob, ( all doors opened) we jumped in drove home & the doors locked by themselves, ( i thought i had just knocked the lever to lock or something ), when we got home , we tried the door handles to open but they were locked, so i took the fob out , pressed open , they sounded like they opened but were still locked, is there a sequence or something to lock/unlock these cars ? would appreciate a answer asap if poss, its getting tested for a taxi soon & will be no good if the punters cant get out
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