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numkelfutumch last won the day on October 15 2020

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  1. Hi all, long time since i've been on here. Have been working abroad a lot and just generally very busy. here's a few pics of some of the beauties that we use on the jaguar experience. If you happen to notice that the background on a couple of the pics looks odd, that's because i had to clone out some sensitive cars that were in shot.
  2. pm me your vehicle vin number. i will get a storeman at work to look on the parts system and see if i can come up with a part number for you.
  3. as a jaguar test driver i have never seen a temp gauge start anywhere other than at the bottom when cold. The garage is wrong.
  4. ah yes, that awful, loud, rattly, unrefined 2.0 diesel.
  5. That was actually the F type SVR version which is just too much fun to play in. Still have to say though, top gear has gone pants now.
  6. Do you think the disabled man just had a quirky sense of humour and was maybe taking the pee out of himself aswell? My wife is disabled but is always cracking jokes about disability and the disabled, she does not mean any of it in a "nasty" way, she just has her sense of humour. I sometimes think it's a bit of a coping mechanism in that, if you don't laugh at yourself you'll only cry.
  7. i'm up for a meet again locally and as long as the date suits. Not bothered if it's just a get together or a race meet.
  8. not having any problems here and i know bugger all about computers.........seems i know more than Robert though cos he can't get on without problems LOL.
  9. No CBers, my 03 plate S type hasn't got BT, hence the reason i bought this.
  10. As mentioned by Kevin, the show was all about entertainment and nothing else, which i agree they were very good at. I also have amazon prime so will be watching the new series ( that has been given a massive budget) when it arrives. I still feel i have to add this note though. I always found clarkson funny, entertaining and forthright with his views which i like. Now though, since finding out that he lost his rag and got violent over a food mix up i do feel he is a bit of a jumped up diva and a bit of a nobhead.
  11. Since this topic is still being discussed i thought i would add a bit more. After i posted above about it being on amazon for £20 i ordered one and have been using it everyday since. As Andrew has said, it connects to your phone via bluetooth then transmits an FM signal ( you can choose what frequency it transmits on) whereupon you just tune your car radio to that signal and hey presto you have phone calls through your car speakers. You can stream your music from your phone to the device so your music comes from the car stereo too. I also downloaded an app to my android phone, the app is called radioplayer and i downloaded it because i like some of the DAB stations. I have found if i am using this app on my phone to listen to DAB radio whilst connected to this bluetooth link, it too is transmitted via my car speakers which is great. One thing i haven't seen mentioned, there is a small button on the side of this device which activates voice control. You can get the device to call a number in your phonebook simply by talking. This is probably the best £20 i have spent in a long time.
  12. Steve, if it's a petrol then you have no need for concern. If it's a diesel the only thing i would highly recommend is that you REGULARLY get it up to full working temperature on runs, don't just keep doing short runs that don't really get it baking hot. Lots of short runs that don't warm it up properly (and of course diesels take much longer to warm up) can cause problems for you, most noticeably would be problems with the DPF.
  13. The problem here Steve is that traditionally jaguars were an expensive car to buy and so generally all you ever saw in them was older people who had finished paying the mortgage and so had money to spare and spend on a jag. I think this is where the older man image comes from. Now though, with the likes of the jaguar XE starting at the mid 20k mark you will see more and more of a younger generation driving them. Also tell your friend to youtube F-type, F-type SVR, XF-RS, XE 3.0 v6 supercharger and soon to be seen XE 5.0 v8 supercharger, XKR and XKR-S. If your friend still sees them as old mens cars then theres no hope for any of us LOL.
  14. Russ, we regularly have the goodyear eagles that Peter has mentioned on our test cars (along with many other brands that we test) and they seem to be great performers. Wet and dry grip is very good, they seem to last longer that a lot of other premium brands and i seem to remember one of our engineers telling me that we don't seem to get as much damage on those tyres, we do give our tyres a good hammering at work and damage on any tyre under normal road driving conditions is a rare thing.
  15. I have an s type and also have a dim backlight, i think it's just a case of that's how they are.
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