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Tom H

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  1. and then it blew up 3 hours later... Currently sat outside garage waiting to be seen on Monday. Had to be taken by truck.
  2. Hi Peter, Yes, the same engine. I'm just back from the clean and they said they couldn't regen as it needs a new EGR valve (£800). yikes! don't know what to do...
  3. This DPF thing has totally ruined my experience of an otherwise lovely car. I used to take bi-weekly 40 mile trips on motorway which whilst inconvenient was palatable. Now this trip - and longer ones - have not solved the problem. I've now boked the car in for a professional DPF clean but been told this might not fix the problem. Anyone had one of these? Do they tend to work?
  4. I gave it a good spraying and it's been fine since! Thanks
  5. Booked in for middle of feb to get tested and changed. Cheers for info
  6. Tom H


    I really appreciate all the replies guys. Very helpful.Firstly I would say that I probably don't drive very economically, in fact I stick it in S mode most days and stick my foot down in short bursts. I will start by switching to optimax and regularly adding additive and let you know how I get on! Cheers
  7. Cheers guys. I'll check the conections tomorrow, if no improvement will drop it into the garage. Think battery about 5 years oldnow anyway.
  8. Many Thanks for your reply. Luckily my problem isn't that serious. It just thinks that doors aren't closed when they are. As soon as temp got over freezing today it was ok. Surely a jaguar should be able to function in below freezing conditions. Already nervous about opening doors tomorrow
  9. My battery seems to be running on low for a while now, sometimes the car won't start. Did 500 miles the other day and that didn't charge it either. Do I need a new one or is it something else? Ta
  10. Tom H


    DPF message back with a vengeance. Really really annoying. Shall I change the filter?
  11. My XF wont lock as it says that the rear left door is open. It's not its closed perfectly well. I tried the key to manually lock the car but it only locked the passenger side door. I've cleaned and defrosted the lock area but no joy. In the ridiculous situation now where I can't leave it out of my sight and also I can't go out. Any ideas?
  12. Many Thanks guys. I've ordered the one from eBay
  13. In the reservoir Peter. Might just buy a generic plastic cap and try it as they are cheap. Cheers
  14. Mine has broken and so now wont close. I can't find one on the net. Any ideas if they are the same as any other or all other makes?
  15. Tom H


    I've just ordered some. Many Thanks
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