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  1. Yes the gearboxes are actually made in germany and can be found in some of the bmw 5 series and they have the same leaking and warping problems I have had mine done on my STR twice.The first time it was warped and was leaking even when the car was stationary. Took it to an over priced indie and advised the to change the electronic sleeve at the same time which they didn't 12 months down the line the sleeve started to leak so had to have it done all over again.I was told that the range rovers have the alloy one because changing the gearbox sump on those mean dropping the subframe. If you do have it done get a kit with the sleeve with it they only cost about £11 and are known to leak above 60k miles
  2. should have been done at 60k may have record of it in history won't hurt to have it done for piece of mind
  3. I have an 2002 s type r the display on my one stopped working I was quoted £650 for a refurb one when asked why it was so expensive they said because it was a str. I went on ebay got one from a 2005 2.7d for £30 and fitted it as you said the last 3 dights of the part number were diffrent it is still working 2 years later. The only thing you need be certain of is some cars have heated front windscreen so there are 2 modules one for heated front windscreens an one for cars that dont have heated front windscreen .I presume you are talking the non sat nav model s type.
  4. I have one as well I use on my 2002 STR did have a similar problem as well not seeing the ecu may be I am lucky as all I did was disconnect and connect it again and switch on the ignition and it worked great bit of kit if you get it working has saved me quite a bit of money in diagnostics.
  5. I posted earlier don't know if it went through but I have heard that sometimes the wabesto heaters on the 2.7 diesel give off fumes and smoke under the bonnet .On another forum some one had a similar thing happen to them. Any sound proofing near the exhaust or manifold should be heat resistant you may even have a rocket cover oil leak and the oil is dripping on to the exhaust manifold
  6. I don't have a diesel s type but have heard other owners mention smoke under the bonnet and fumes coming into the car the smoke may be coming from your wabesto heater that id in your engine bay that garage sounds a bit suspicious or you may have a rocker cover leak and the oil is dripping down on to your exhaust manifold . Some diesel owners may chime in soon and give more info about the wabesto hester
  7. there are some cheap obd2 readers on ebay and amazon ranging from £5 plus it can be touch a go getting a good one if you are a technical person you can get bluetooth ones for android phones or wifi ones for iphones you would need an app like torqe pro on the phone you could can have it hooked up while driving and it will check your fuel trims which as well as the codes would point you towards the problem there are also the more expensive ones that can scan everything on your car engine transmission abs ect you could also get a garage to run a scan on your car then you check the codes on ebay or post them on here
  8. Hi the battery is near the spear wheel you can connect your charger directly to the battery terminals I have a cetek charger pemantly connected to my battery as my car is not a daily driver lift up the spare wheel cover and you will see the battery hope that helps
  9. Hi my s type r also has dove grey leather I did a repair as well there is a company called Dynamix leather I think they are in ireland and you buy on line I bought a 250 ml bottle from them cant rember the price wasnt expensive was good quality as a perfect match providing you throughly clean the surrounding leather took about 2 weeks to arrive bought the finisher and prep solutions from ebay
  10. Hi have you got a good obd2 scanner a good one should be able pin point your problem as your car would have several fault codes stored a good reader would be able to read fuel trims check fuel pressure I have had problems faulty coils I had a lean problem the codes I got I looked up on the internet and managed to solve my self instead of going to a main dealer or an indie could be a weak or failing fuel pump
  11. Hi with my previous car that had a black leather interior I bought a leather repair kit which included abrasive pads cotton wool prep solution filler dye ans satin matt finisher also a mini spray gun and a can of compressed air but with my jag I was a bit more cautious with the interior being dove grey I managed to get the exact colour by finding a company called Dynamix I think they are in irland on their web site you put in your colour code for your interior you can then order the bottle size you want it took about 10 days to arrive perfect match the rest of the stuff like the prep solution grey coloured filler and finishers I bought on ebay I think it would be better to do a whole section if say one bolster is scuffed tape off the rest of the seat and do the whole bolster it is better than touching up the scuffs if your seats are light like mine it is best to throughly clear the whole seat so that when you re colour the scuffed area it will match the rest of the seat the key to sucess is to prep the area properly but it is not hard
  12. Hi I have have done some leather repairs with some good results my car had a scuff on the drivers side also had some gashes as well they were not deep you would need prep which would remove the top finish there is filler that can fill in any cuts or cracks you then get the dye and then the finish these are water based I was impressed with the results I got looked at some you tube clips and learnt myself if done properly you will get some impressive results prepping the area is the important part of a sucesful repair providing you dont have very badly damaged areas where replacing the damaged leather would be necessary so you would need prep solution dye and finisher matt satin or gloss and filler if you have any small cracks note you must clean the area to be repaired throughly so you would also need a cleaning solution hope this helps
  13. Hi if you wan to pick one off a month I would get the leaking sump done my s type r had a leaking sump and it leaked continously even when the car was not being used they have a plastic sump that distorts over time and begins to leak can cost up to £400 depending on car if your car is under 10 years old it might be worth taking some sort of warranty for the future
  14. did my s type r a few weeks ago was 1 bolt and some clips and just take out old one and slide in new filter very quick job mine did have a bolt to remove near the inner wing then the clips
  15. yes i was thinking of maybe carefully banging a 1 size smaller socket on to the nut then trying to loosen it with the breaker bar this is the first time I have been unable to get a nut off with a breaker bar bit worried about the heat as the wheels are alloy was wondering some shock and unlock spray would work
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