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bobbybiscuit last won the day on November 4 2016

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  1. My drivers door window crashed down inside recently so i bought a new window regulator with motor which i asked a garage to fit for me. I bought it from Eurocar parts and was still expensive even with discount. They installed the part and afterwards it was going up very slowly in fact it stops several times when going up.I bought some window seal lubricant which made a bit of a difference. Then it started making a grinding noise going down and I went back to the garage and they said we fitted the part you gave us ie hinting not their problem but i think it is. He said the window was tight gong up and down after the mechanic fitted it. I feel I have been fobbed off - why would be be tight?
  2. Been having fun and games with engine management light on and I have codes P0171 and P0174. I dont know my way around the engine so if you can identify the areas I need to check and what I need to take off (a description of that part would be useful) so i can try and rectify the problem myself. Tickover is fine and drives perfectly. So I dont understand why I have those codes. On first occasion I cleared the codes and I drove over 50 miles before engine management light came on again. Cant be anything really serious . Book of codes suggest that its running lean on both banks. As a matter of interest which is bank 1 and which is bank 2 as you stand in front of the car. Thank you
  3. The reply i got was to turn up at 9am on the day and should be plenty of space for those attending.
  4. I have emailed organiser because they are nor accepting postal applications. However, there maybe space for on the day applicants. Will post here to let you know.
  5. Thought I would post this as this is a chance to show off your Jaguar - I have provided link below Entry is only £4.00 and Kids go in for a £1.00. Never been to this one before - http://westcornwallmotorshow.com/ Would be interested to know anyone who may be attending. Going to post this on other Jaguar forums. Cheers Bob
  6. I think you have got to the stage that you need expertise in ascertaining the exact fault or faults. Good luck. ;-)
  7. I am no mechanic but I have bought an inexpensive fault code reader which I can plug in to most cars. The code reader will tell you the fault code and there are code explanations on the internet - you can either search by code via google or search for a list of all the codes. It helps the garage to identify the problem. My suggestion still is to bite the bullet and get a jag dealer to identify the areas - let them quote you for repairs - ie what part i needed and labour - take that to your own garage.
  8. I had a problem with the "low brake level fluid" warning come up and yet the brake level fluid was fine. No one could find out what the problem was. I bit the bullet and took my car to a Jag dealer where the hourly charge is £94 quid per hour! I explained that i wanted a diagnostic of the fault only. They charged me 0.5 hour and gave me advice on how to do the work myself and how to get a work around for the MOT. Just make it clear you want a diagnostic only. Just say you have a limited income and that you know someone who can do the work for you to keep the cost down. My jaguar dealership were helpful and understanding BUT i would not let them do the work. I buy genuine Jag parts for my own servicing and have haggled over price and have achieved discounts of between 10 and 30%. If its too much money I tell them I cant afford it.
  9. had MOT yesterday and it passed - thankfully. I was a bit sneaky though because there is a fault on the sensor on the master brake cylinder which produces a fault on the dash - Low brake level fluid - but its not low on brake fluid. So I partially disconnected the lead to the sensor. I have purchased a used servo and master brake cylinder for £35 including delivery. Does anyone know how to fit a replacement master brake cylinder? Is there any guidance on this or other web sites? My parking sensors are not part of the MOT - phew! damn things still give off high pitch noise (sometimes when in reverse) - checked for the clicking noise on each and they all click even when there is the high pitch noise - so any ideas please? The advisories - Brake pipes corroded but do not enough to fail Rear Sub frame corroded but not enough to fail. Brakes pipes are strange forward for a mechanic. BUT Rear subframe is a cause for concern. What has everyone used to treat the rear subframe? What have you done to protect your subframe?
  10. I agree with Reverand - Jaguar dealer will charge you a mint even for a diagnostic check.
  11. I tested mine without starting the engine, turned on ignition (not starting car) and put car in reverse with handbrake on. The jaguar sensors seem to be the bane of every ones life. MIne are faulty but where the fault lies I have no idea. Sometimes they work perfectly, other times I get the dreaded continuous tone. There is no rhyme or reason why they should work sometimes and not the other and have not got to the bottom of it yet. Even with the high pitch reversing sensor warning going off. I listened to each sensor and they were clicking as you would expect. Now that indicates the sensors are working. So there must be something else causing the problem. But I do not know what.
  12. Just to add to the information about driving licences, if you drive abroad with your own car you do need to carry your paper licence, however, as far as i aware, you also do need to download the information relating to your licence to include endorsements etc.
  13. I have a problem with ,my sensors.I get the very loud high pitch noise but only sometimes. So far have I have ignition on and put in to reverse - no high pitch noise - all sensors clicking. Cleaned sensors with tooth brush just in case of dirt Tried again - all sensors working - no high pitched noise. Turned ignition off, put car in to park. Turned ignition on put in to reverse gear - high pitch noise. Checked all sensors and all still clicking. What is wrong in my case please?
  14. I know on mine the cable broke although motor was good. Had a new complete mechanism (after market)
  15. Old peter - hiya again. I know i have only recently joined but an ex project manager and web design (not programmer) it would be nice to see a few enhancements on here with regard to Events and Meetings which would enhance the site and enable members to arrange local meets, national meets and information on classic car meetings organised in the UK. If your interested or any other members interested, I could private message the relevant people for consideration. Its a great way to bring people together and learn whats going on in the UK. Love to know your thoughts. PS I have added my name to the list of where everyone is but to be honest its quite long winded scrolling through the pages to find others within your local area. I am sure there must be a simpler way to pull information from profiles within County.
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