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  1. Thanks Again Andrew, Will try the WD40 trick to see if that helps, if not will look at replacing . Cheers Paul.
  2. Cheers Andrew tried what you suggested but did not work . must be a sensor problem . Where is it located ?
  3. Thanks Andrew, Where on the drivers door are the internal contacts please. Cheers Paul
  4. Good Morning, I have a 2.0D 55 plate , and my interior lights will not come on when the drivers door is opened. They work with the passenger door and when car is unlocked with key fob but not with drivers door. Any suggestions?
  5. It was the Air Con pump that had seized.
  6. Good Afternoon , I am looking for advice again please. When accelerating there seems to be a slight sort of hiss coming from the engine bay that can be heard inside the car and its holding back very slightly on power , this then disappears as I keep accelerating . Any one have any idea's Thanks in advance.
  7. You can change and reprogram the fob but must use the original key as this contains the transponder.
  8. Found this so I guess they are the same part.:- http://www.qualityturbos.co.uk/ford--jaguar-air-con-compressor-pump---cougar-mondeo-transit-x-type-x-type-ac-ac-aircon-conditioning-compressors-pumps-14-8145-2938-p.asp
  9. Hello once again, I found out what the source of the burning smell coming from engine bay was, It was the a/c pump had seized ultimately burning and breaking the alternator belt.So could have been a lot worse. My question is would the Mondeo equivalent a/c pump fit my 2.0D x type? Jaguar Part Number :- C2S44910 equvilant Mondeo part number :- 1S7H-19D629-EA1S7H-19D629-EB1S7H-19D629-EC1S7H-19D629-ED1S7H-19D629-EE1S7H-19D629-EF6S71-19D629-AA6S71-19D629-AB. The part looks identical but is a third of the price. Thank you in advance for any help on this matter.
  10. Thanks Peter, No codes and Car been fine today ! very strange.
  11. There seems to be a rubbing noise on start up , I think the smell could be from alternator or maybe starter motor. Is this a likely possibility ?
  12. Hello, I bought a 2004 X type 2.0D about 6 weeks ago , but this week the car seems a bit noisier on start up and there is a strange burning smell after a few minutes of driving, the smell seems to disappear as quickly as it appears after the engine is shut off. Not sure if this could be related but also a loss of power when A/C is used. Any suggestions please?
  13. Thanks Peter will remove and try to clean lenses i think.
  14. Thanks Kenny will remove and try to clean lenses i think. Cheers
  15. Good Morning, New member here. I bought a 2004 X Type 20d yesterday and I am very impressed with it. This is my first Jaguar, as I was considering a BMW or Audi but so glad i decided to with Jaguar. The car is in very good condition except for a couple of age related issues but nothing major , few bits of loose interior trim and dull headlight lenses. Great site by the way, enders500
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