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  1. Hi Guys Sorry for the delay in updating on the fault code and limp mode issue. OK, cat went into Jaguar and it turned out to b a rear ABS sensor faulty. Sensor replace and a full service and she is right as rain again. Dave
  2. If Simon, Well I must admit with two Scotland trip and northern Holland 3 times I am more than happy with the Goodyear Eagle F1 tyres suggested by Peter, but at least there are some decent tyres out there to cut down on the road noise. By Lucky, Dave.
  3. Hi Jim Yes, all booked in for later this week and I will post the outcome. Dave
  4. Hi Guys Well battery checked out fine but needed charging, I have disconnected the battery and charged it, reconnected but all the fault codes still flashing and warning beep, any ideas! Dave.
  5. All advice is gratefully received Raistlin, I have already got the charger is I will give it a go but if it don't make any difference I will just bin it, only £22 for the AA version so not a lot to lose. Dave :)
  6. Hi Peter, thanks for your comment. I had the battery checked out yesterday and it is in A1 condition but did indicate that it needed charging so hopefully Saturday my old beauty will be back up and running. I have got a Scotland run in a few weeks and will be touring for three weeks so I think that will blow away the cobwebs ;). Also going in for it's main service in a couple of weeks plus MOT and full valet. In all fairness I have had this Jag a year now, changed the tyres two months in due to road noise, (got the tyres that you recommended by the way and what a great choice, thank you for that). but other than that she has been completely trouble free and a joy to drive, for an 06 she turns a few heads. O I cleaned up the motor on the drivers side wing mirror, not a big job :) . I think that the solar charger is worth a go, it's only £22 on Amazon so you cannot lose really, I will update on that after few months of use as it may be of interest to some of the other forum members. Great forum and really friendly and helpful people. Dave
  7. Hi Jim, thank you for posting. Yesterday I confirmed that the battery is ok but does need charging but with a crazy work schedule that is on hold until the weekend. Hopefully fully charged and reconnected the system will reset and all ok again. Yes I did have similar issues about a year ago and to be honest I have not been using the Jag that regularly lately . I am not sure if they are any good but I have also purchased an AA solar powered trickle charger that plugs into the EOBD Connector for when I am not driving the car for a few days, it will be interesting to see how this pans out although the AA solar charger has got great reviews, one thing I must remember is the unplug the changer before starting to engine as apparently it can result in blown fuses and problems with the engine management system. Dave :)
  8. Thanks Frank, will check that out first, due a service as well so if all else fails I will get Jaguar to check it out :) . Dave
  9. Hi Raistin, thanks for the prompt reply, must admit I was thinking along those lines as I had warning lights a while back and it turned out to be low battery, just the power loss bit spooked me. Dave
  10. Good Evening everyone, I am looking for advice. Car was running perfectly yesterday but I took it for a short run tonight and got the following errors flash up. It started with ABS Fault lights then DSC Not Found followed by Gearbox fault warning. I then lost power, on parking the car jumps into gear when going from drive into reverse and even into park, all this in the space of 5 minutes, any advice appreciated. Dave.
  11. Sounds promising Simon, time will tell, enjoy your tour of France, I am off to the Netherlands again in the Cat for 6 days in the morning ;)
  12. 2.7D SE Simon, Sure I had 245/40R/18/97Y all round, again suggested by Peter. Luckily I am more than happy with the performance, handling, and greatly reduced road noise but as I said, I only have the devil tyres that were on the car when I bought it to compare them with ;)
  13. I went with Peters suggestion and got Goodyear Eagle XL's. I just wanted to give it a few weeks before I posted my opinion on these tyres. Well I have covered approx. 1500 miles on these tyres now included a 700 round trip to northern Holland and must say I am very impressed indeed. OK in all fairness I was replacing FULLRUN tyres which by reviews are basically like driving on balloons full of stone but personally I was amazed with the difference in road noise from the moment a pulled out of the tyre centre. Really glad I took Peters advise, wish you all the best with your choice of tyre Simon and hope it works out for you, keep us all posted on the tyres performance as any info added by fellow owners is invaluable. Dave
  14. Hi Andy. Thanks for that but I use my cup holder regularly, either a bottle of water or Costa coffee in it :)
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