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  1. Al, And here’s me worrying about spending a few hundred quid on an old one! I’ve never even heard of the types you’re looking at, and I would dread to think about the ‘dollars’’ good luck with your research, though I can’t’ see you getting a lot of help on here! It’s a shame really as I would have thought Jag owners would have been more enthusiastic about helping new-comers to their world! ‘Obviously Not’
  2. Hi Al I dont think to many people are using this Forum at the moment I thought my last post would have got a little more responce there are other forums I use connected with my hobbie that get realy fast replies and everyone seems much more active, Iv'e only had you respond to my request for info about buying my Jag to date but I'll be watching the site from now on.
  3. Now the riots are over we come to the sentencing, and all the do-gooders are coming out of the woodwork suggesting that we need to tread ‘softly softly’ and we don’t understand the pressure’s that the youth of to-day face! , well they’ve never had it so good! The looting and crime should not be allowed to go unpunished; they say the prisons are full ‘what utter rubbish’ look at some third world prisons! 15 to a cell and sometimes more, I’d make our prisons so unbearable no one would want to go there, it might sound a bit draconian but do these scums deserve any better? The only way to teach them is the hard way. With all the cut backs to our front line ‘Defence’ it would also be a good idea to bring back ‘National Service’ and teach them to respect other people’s possessions I for one am fed up with unfulfilled promises by different political parties to get tough on crime and see no change, let everybody see the punishment fit the crime! And we’d see less crime.
  4. Hi Al I’m finding your input reassuring I’ve already decided to have a test drive! ‘nothing to lose there’ I’ve not yet seen the interior so I will have a close inspection, I will only be doing about 3000ml a year as I also drive my wife’s car (the jag is only for a bit of independence) and as a personal toy, I’ve been told not to expect to get more than 22per gallon is this about right in your opinion and thanks for mentioning my Bank that could be useful, at the moment it looks as if the Ins will be around £350 I was hoping to get a deal as a classic car but I believe it has to be 20 years old so I don’t think that will be possible, Oh well I’ll keep trying
  5. I’m just going through that exercise at the moment as ‘Al’ says don’t expect any loyalty from anyone and yes if you approach a company for a new quote it should be competitive for the first year then as I have found it’s time to start looking again, comparison sites don’t do it for me I tend to get an online quote and when it’s competitive I then phone them and see if they can do a better deal! Which they invariably do at the moment I ‘m finding ‘Churchill’ & ‘Aviva’ the most competitive
  6. BigAl Thanks for your thoughts I'm not over concernd for his reason to sell ,as I know him a little!!, He's actually just bought a 5ltr Merc and I have seen him using the Jag On a regular basis Commuting from W-ton to Petobourgh and he has told me about the cars history as much as he can, I also know he has fitted a new battery top of the range one! and had the car servised at a good local garage, I know I must sound over cautious but its just that I've never owned a car of any credability before and the Ins is as much as the car and if I ever had to make a claim the excess would be as much again---Spose I'm on a no win situation!
  7. I’m just recently retired and have never been a petrol head in any way! In fact I own a LDV City Pilot but it now sits on the drive doing nothing, and I would like to spoil myself by buying a ‘Jag’. As it happens one of my neighbours has one for sale I know it’s used regularly and know he looks after it. It ‘s a P reg XJ8 3.248 cc, I consider it to be in fair condition and don’t have a grumble over the price £500, but on initial checks the ‘ins’ seems a bit high £450 or is it? And can anyone advise where I could get it cheaper ‘ie’ Jag owners club? And any other pit falls I might encounter with older Jags
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