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Everything posted by Dripfedfred33

  1. Bertieboy9 (mark) I've tried texting you regarding faults with my car since collecting it back off you on the 22nd and 25th and also private messaging you last week via the forum. http://www.jaguarownersclub.com/forums/topic/11986-car-roadside/page-1 All messages show as read yet you don't respond??
  2. Morning Peter. Can't give a definate yey or ney to this meet now. The replacement clutch is slipping under fair acceleration. I'm going to run it local first to see if it changes for better or worse. Knowing my luck it will be worse. I'll keep you posted. Posted........ Get it... Chuckle
  3. Alternator fixed now. Replaced with a new unit from Schmitz off eBay for £55. Bertie fired and I monitored the water levels.... In the kettle! Thanks to all
  4. No joy there but fingers crossed he will be working on it Friday, so long as i find one.
  5. Having a few problems with my beloved car. I'm now in search of an alternator for a 2.0 diesel estate04 plate. Going to check today to see if I can get any numbers off it. Thanks
  6. I would love to come assuming I have a car that works and money in the bank;) I've only done 2 meets and they were vw but both were great days out. So that's 1 grandad blue X diesel estate with 1 maybe 2 guests. Dave
  7. 10 min job lads. I have every faith ;)
  8. Can't remember but I know its not the fin. Just had a lift home in a matiz with great reception. Glad I didn't buy the jag new as I would have been very disappointed. Missing my cat even with the poor radio. Roll on next week
  9. Seen as my new 04 plate cat remains roadside with no gears I've found myself with loads of time to read through posts which is proving very informative. But I've not found anyone complaining about FM reception via the standard x type CD player. Poor reception doesn't come close as at times its diabolical leaving me with 1 good station (Real radio Northwest) and my other local stations sounding like there 100 miles away. Ive fitted radios since being knee height and whilst I haven't removed the unit to check connections I am confident this is a design or unit issue. I like my music but I'm exhausting my Spotify playlist and I'm still not that age where AM and MW are an option !! I just thought I'd ask the question to pass the time seen as I can't drive my car!!
  10. Thanks mark I'll contact you after 9. Let you wake up a bit before I pester you Dave
  11. Thanks Bertie I'll call you about 9 if that's OK Dave
  12. Is there any way of forwarding numbers etc. I will have to arrange to recover the car by midday tomorrow and once it's lifted I'm goosed. Sorry And Thanks
  13. Thanks Pete I don't care where the car goes, That's what I pay breakdown for. I just want it to be looked after and for me to have enough for a pint at the end of the week. How do I contact mark?
  14. Thanks peter. where is he based? Im not sure of the t&c of my breakdown but i know halfrauds will be p***** off if they have to push my car up the ramp again tomorow night lol I am new to this but i am happy to trust a club rather than a garage
  15. Thanks ian thats why i posted. People join forums cz they are passionate about something. i love my cat even though ive only had it a few weeks. Tomorrow i have to direct the AA somewhere. i live in astley, manchester. i aint loaded but i dont mind paying to genuine people and i know people on here work together. Any local recommendations are more than welcome. And thanks
  16. Thanks frank. unfortunately my commitments and lack of mechanical knowledge beyond basic mean i am at the mercy of others. There were no signs anywhere a fluid leakage although the engine guard may have contained it. My initial old school thought was clutch cable because thats how it felt although it didnt explain the stiffness but i dont think it has a cable. I wish i had the time and tools to do diy as id rather invest than pay others but !Removed! happens and to be fair i cant see a carb or dizzy anywhere hehe I know you guys cant fix it for me but i know you can limit how far down my trousers go
  17. Halfrauds :) Its my 1st jag and although the kids call me grandpa in it (44) ive already said id have another...but newer. To add insult to injury its been running on £10 top ups and yesterday i put £60 in and celebrated !! It is something or nothing. I know im going to pay a premium but i just dont want the garage to have it to easy. I like my pants around my waist ! Thanks Dave
  18. Please help. X Type. 2004. 2.0d estate.manual i really need some advice before i get my pants pulled down by the garages. The car drove perfect, no rattles, no clutch related noises with excellent gear changes. Yesterday i came to pull onto a road and i had to stop as i thought i chose the wrong gear. I re-selected 1st but it still felt like the wrong gear. Then the clutch went really hard and couldnt be depressed but i COULD select all gears but with no drive. Then the clutch droped and stayed there. Still, the gear select mived freely but no drive. That is where the clutch remains. It can be pulled up and pushed down but with no resistance at all apart from a little initial tension from maybe a spring. The car is now stranded outside Halfords which was not by choice. Halfords have removed the lower engine cover and say they can see a fluid leak and believe something in the gearbox may have collapsed?? Today they quoted £600 for a new clutch though they havent disamantled anything?? Tomorrow i will return with the AA for there opinion and probably a tow to a local garage. This all happened without warning. Even after the event the engine runs smooth with no rattles etc. I know the dual fly mass will make a racket before giving up so i doubt its that and all the gears engaged fine with no slips. Ive only had the car 3 weeks and the previous owners have looked after it with receipts to show but the DM flywheel has never been changed. I believe the cluctch shares fluid with the brakes and the reservoir is half between min and max. The brakes worked fine prior to this though i cant comment now...but with engine running i could pump them and the pedal became firm within a few pushes. Im convinced it could be something simple but im no mechanic. Please help Thanks Dave
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