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Everything posted by tmwsccsh

  1. Cheers. There's been a turn of events this afternoon - existing transmission is indeed no more - estimate £1,400 plus VAT to take it out, repair it and put it back in. I am therefore waiting for a price for the removal of that one and the installation of another - possibly the one in that link or another one I have seen on there. Hoping it will be around £600-£700 or so for the labour but we shall see. Can't be more than 4 or 5 screws holding it in, slide it out, new one in, then replace the 5x screws can it??? TMW
  2. So eBay item 361360978501 could be the ticket? TMW
  3. Brilliant - and thanks for the quick response. Another saddo early to work who won't start until 9am??? :-) TMW
  4. Morning all, Well, he went in yesterday - fluid change to be done first as several have suggested that (as well as the garage themselves) and then it goes to the transmission guy... As a matter of interest, thinking worst case, can anyone advise if the Auto gearbox on the 2001 3.0 was the same as that on the 2.5? Some things I have read would suggest they are. If so, replacing suddenly became a little easier... Oh, and what year cars is the box the same from looking at a used replacement if needed...? Thanks in advance. Regards TMW
  5. Going in on Wednesday to have the fluid checks and start the diagnostic process. Got a lot of information from another forum as well so will pass that in to the equation - http://www.mr2oc.co.uk/forums/134/163800.html?p=1734705#p1734705 ... for those who are following. Will advise on progress. Regards TMW
  6. Hi, Right, managed to get out to get a new battery - have fitted it and tried again. Still no reverse :-( So off to get the fluid checked in the week. Encouraging to hear that fluid levels can cause problems. Here's hoping... TMW
  7. Do you know what, it's not as silly as it sounds... Just went out there and measured the voltage with nothing running and no key in. 12.27. Seems a bit low to me. Tried to start him - just some horrible noises and a high-speed clicking sound 7 or 8 times after stopping trying for a few seconds. Tried again - same thing - horrible noises (like it's trying to fire but can't) and then when I turn him off again, the clicking is there again. Took the key out and measured the voltage once more - 12.07. So, looks like the battery might be shot! Alas, I am off to see family shortly (have another car so that's Ok!) so can't get to Halfords to get another today - job for tomorow night now, clearly. The only thing I would ask, is it possible that a weak battery could also cause a gear to vanish? I guess anything is possible to be honest - the battery has been in for 3 years now and I have done almost 80,000 miles in that time so maybe it is due a new one... Thanks for the pointer - will let you know how it goes after I replace it tomorow. TMW
  8. Hi, Does indeed sound like similar symptoms. I spotte a gearbox on eBay yesterday for £250 I think it was so that's not too bad - if I can get a box for that amount and then someone can remove and reinstall for a sensible amount I will go with it. I do all I can to keep it running - replacement engine about 60,000 miles ago and the gearbox also gave up a bit a couple of years ago - lost 1st and 5th but the selector solenoids for those were replaced and all came back to life - which is why I was wondering if it could be as simple as replacing the reverse solenoid on this occasion. I have also read some stories whilst Googling of people who have found something loose / missing in the box and have drilled a small hole, jiggered about a bit in there and got it going again - it's a bit more precise and technical than that but you get the idea... I think it just annoys me a bit (may be too harsh) that there are places out there that claim to be repairers and all they want to do is replace when there may be other options that can get you going again... Thanks for your response and sharing - I will keep all advised on progress. Regards TMW
  9. Evening all. First posting and it's not good news :-( Reversed off the drive yesterday morning, drove to work no problem at all, got to the car park, selected reverse and nothing - just revs. Turned off and on a few times - still nothing. The selector is lighting up the R so that's a start and there is a noise / feeling / clunk from underneath when reverse is engaged (as usual) so it suggests something is happening, but then there is no movement at all. Drive is fine and he works exactly as he should forwards. So I suspect a solenoid but could be wrong. There are no fault lights on the dashboard at the moment (gearbox fault or similar) although I have been getting "cruise not available" for 3-4 weeks when he's cold but that goes away after about 3 minutes of driving and cruise works fine when it says that anyway. I did read on a posting somewhere that it could be that there is not enough transmission fluid in that is causing this but that could simply be a red herring. I have contacted several automatic gearbox places in the area but have had nothing back yet (apart from one who only wanted to replace it - so much for diagnostic and repair...). In the first instance, anyone got any immediate suggestions as to a quick recovery from this? Wondering if pulling the battery for 30 minutes may reset something for example? Thanks in advance. Regards Tim Watts
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