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  1. Can anyone tell me how to adjust my handbrake it's on a 54 plate x type
  2. Just drove to Newcastle and back over 400 miles temp gauge all most got quarter way
  3. I know it's not a jaguar but I do think a clean engine bay looks nice
  4. Okay new expansion tank cap changed temp gauge still hardly moving not getting out of the blue, what else can I check, thanks
  5. Thanks that would be helpful, I've just ordered a new expansion tank cap as I've been told it could be that I'll let you know if that works,car's don't you just love them
  6. No mate the fans are not running, and you must be a mind reader as I'm looking for a new cap when I got your reply
  7. finally got the thermostat changed no different still running cold the heater gets hot for a short time and then cools down, the water in the expansion tank feels warm does not get hot any ideas please
  8. so give the A/C a go today just to see if it worked and it did any idea wont went wrong
  9. many thanks
  10. Thanks Kenny, I had a feeling that was the problem, I do get some heat from the heaters but only for about 5 to 10 minuets then it goes cool. Will I have to drain the cooling system or is there a way round it and where the hell is the thermostat if you can give me some hints I would appreciate
  11. how high does a temp gauge go, mine is hardly reaching 1/4 way
  12. Thanks Kenny for your replay Got a 04 x type diesel 2.0 green cream leather upholstery yes i know thats real no help but i just like saying it. Ok last 2 or 3 days setting heater at about 22 it has worked ok nice and worm and then it starts blowing cool, i dont have the A/C on as it needs charging so its not on auto as recomended. If i do alter the temp it will warm up again and then cool again hope you can help thanks Brian
  13. noticed today when I set the heater after 5 to 10 minuits it cools down any help please
  14. any idea on how to remove cracks in leather I have cream leather so looks bad
  15. thats great i think the shelf has the grils in it, the loom sounds it may be a pain if i have to run it the length of the car, i take it that it will need to connect it to the back of the head unit, will have to think about it, is there a way to get to the back of the head unit without removing it. thanks for the help
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