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  1. hi all i'm wanting to retro fit the sub box that fits under the parcel shelf i have half of the loom from the sub box to the front passenger seat what else do i need to finish fitting it any help would be very helpfull. garry.
  2. welcome to the forum Bryan,all the guys are very helpfull and will do thier best to help a fellow x type owner. kind regards garry
  3. hi Raistlin would you be able to send me a list of all the parts that i will need to do the bluetooth reto fit and the best place to get them from 

    thank you Raistlin

    kind regards 


  4. good morning all im having a bit of trouble with my 2.5 auto x type,on a morning when i start the car it idles rough when cold but when it gets up to normal temp the car is runs fine,but the brake pedal goes hard from time to time indicating i may have a vacuum leak somewhere on the system,now i have changed the 2 timing valve o rings on the inlet manifold,the brake booster pipe,and the other inlet vacuum pipe,now i have put my code reader on the car to see what codes it was giving and it shows P0037 code H02S heater control circuit low bank 1 sensor 2, i know it's telling me that it's the o2 sensor after the cat,but after i have changed all the usual vacuum leak suspects the car still runs rough on idle and i'm still getting a hard brake pedal.would the o2 sensor after the give me the hard brake pedal??? i'm guessing not or have i missed or overlooked something any help would be fantastic so i can get this big cat purring again. thank you
  5. gazza8374

    My First X Type

    52 Plate 2.5 se Auto,LHK or Quartz Grey,Facelift Grille,Clear Side Repeaters.
  6. hi all, i have a 52 plate 2.5 auto se, now i have a small leak from under the car it has the odd drip witch you can see on the drive way its not a big loss at all also when i start the cat up from cold on a morning it makes a very strange whirring noise (it sounds like its coming from the gearbox side) and after a few mins or so the noise goes, i noticed yesterday that when the auto box changes from 1 to 2 it changes at about 2200 rpms and that the car does not pull through as it should,and when i'm sat on a hill with the car in D with the handbrake off the car just sits there no problems at,but yesterday it's started to roll backwards and i have no idea at all this is my first Jag. any ideas ???? thanks in advance gazza
  7. Thank you for your advice much appreciated Regards Garry
  8. Hi all this is my first post, I have just bought my first x type it's a 2.5 se auto on a 52 plate lovely car
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