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smn1980 last won the day on August 27 2015

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  1. UPDATE: so, i decided to check the owners manual to see if there is a fuse for the boot lamp, found said fuse which is also for the interior courtesy/map lamps. these are still working so i would assume that the problem is located elsewhere. time to get my trusty power probe out i think.
  2. peter, i thought the same. i wonder if theres a dedicated fuse for the boot lamp. will have a look tomorrow. all the best bud
  3. hi again, so i decided to do a little job on the jag today. ever since buying the car its had an annoying msg on the display while driving informing me that the boot is open when it obviously isnt. i decided that it must be the switch on the boot lid at fault so i removed the little plastic fir tree clips, and removed the 10mm bolt securing the panel and removed the panal. on inspection there didnt look like there was anything wrong with the switch apart from it being a tiny bit loose in its metal bracket. but i decided to change it anyway since i had all ready bought a new one. i also discoverd that there was no bulb in the boot lamp so i put one in to see if it would light up and IT DIDNT.? anyway i dissmised this and moved onto the switch. i fitted the new switch and thought i had better test it to make sure it cancels the warning msg on the dash. and low and be hold the fault is still there. iam now wondering whether or not the bulb fault is related.. has anybody else had the problem. many thanks
  4. hi everybody. i have just had to buy a new windscreen wash motor. has anyone replaced theres and if so, how difficult a job is it. thanks again
  5. yeah, i woudnt expect that sort of bhp gain, thanks for all the reply's
  6. hi peter, thanks for the response. the car also has green r badges on it but i assumed these were added by the last owner. and you are correct it is a 4.0 v8, 280bhp. i wonder why the logbook just says jaguar v8 and not jaguar s type v8 SPORT and why it isnt in the cars documentation. thanks again
  7. hi again has anyone fitted a K&n panel filter, if so any improvement in performance. thanks again
  8. hi to everyone, my name is simon, iam 35. my current car is a 99 s type and is my third jaguar. my first was a 91 xj6, second was an x type 3.0 sport 4x4. i have only just got my current jag and iam a bit puzzled as to what trim it is. logbook just says s type v8, i have all the paper work from brand new and even this doesnt say. i will attempt to describe my car, pics to follow. it is a 99, it has 18'' jaguar wheels with bigger tyres on the back than the front. the front grill is the same colour as the car and dosnt have hardly any chrome on the car. also the rear tail pipes look bigger than on any other s type. the car has green brake calipers all round, these look like they were painted from the factory. the suspension is also green? inside, the car has full black leather with black dash and a funny coloured wood trim. the car is fully loaded with lots of toys but doesnt have the voice control option. did jaguar make an s type sport? many thanks
  9. hi to everyone, my name is simon, iam 35. my current car is a 99 s type and is my third jaguar. my first was a 91 xj6, second was an x type 3.0 sport 4x4. i have only just got my current jag and iam a bit puzzled as to what trim it is. logbook just says s type v8, i have all the paper work from brand new and even this doesnt say. i will attempt to describe my car, pics to follow. it is a 99, it has 18'' jaguar wheels with bigger tyres on the back than the front. the front grill is the same colour as the car and dosnt have hardly any chrome on the car. also the rear tail pipes look bigger than on any other s type. the car has green brake calipers all round, these look like they were painted from the factory. the suspension is also green? inside, the car has full black leather with black dash and a funny coloured wood trim. the car is fully loaded with lots of toys but doesnt have the voice control option. did jaguar make an s type sport? many thanks
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