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Everything posted by TamaStype

  1. UPDATE: First of all, thanks for the replies Andy and Peter. Last night, I could not go to sleep easy, so I was thinking. Climbed under the nose a little bit and realized that the leak could not come from the gearbox. Its dripping front of the front axle. Steering fluid. Took a few pictures. Seems that the hydraulic pump was fiddle around with recently. I hope that all it is. Please reassure me. I want this car to be fixed up and be a gem.
  2. Hi All, Finally I got my first Jag. Truth must be told. I wanted an X-type originally, but once I saw this beauty, I could not resist. I am fond to V8 anyway. This 2001 4.0 V8 Sport is just astonishing. Not a patch of rust anywhere [other than the places where the old lady hit the driveway posts]. Interior is mint. Engine sounds superb. BUT, and it is a big one. Leaking ATF, or similar substance, as it has parked up. :( When I was driving initially, I paid particular attention to the "lurch" - I did my homework before buying - but did not experience anything. It was smooth as. Previous owner drove it to me from 100 miles away, so it was warm anyway, so I might have would not notice anyway. Now its dropping pinkie in a bowl so I can measure it. 50ml so far in two days. My only hope is that, this is just a simple seal or drain plug issue. It is booked to H.A. FOX for service and A/C re-gas. Hope they won't break my spirit. Cheers, from an enthusiastic newbie. Thank you for any advice in advance.
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