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  1. Hi. Not wanting to teach you to suck eggs, but if it is an auto then you must ensure that it is properly in Park and all the doors are closed before you try to program the key fob. I had issues turning the key and even removing the key from the ignition until i noticed that it was not in park properly and I did not get any pings if the door was still open. If it is a manual then ensure it is in neutral. You may also need to ensure that the key fob battery is a new one or in good working order. Mick.
  2. Well I gave the latch on the door and the lock a good squert of WD40 but still no joy with locking/unlocking with the fob. When we get a nice day I will investigate further and remove the door trim to check the internal mechanisim.
  3. Thank you Frank. I will give that a go this evening when I get home and let you know how I got on. Mick.
  4. Hi All. I seem to have developed a central locking issue. I can lock/unlock ALL the doors and boot using the key in the drivers door as I used to be able to with the fob, but now I can only lock/unlock the passenger doors and boot with the fob and have to use the key to unlock/lock the drivers door. is this a common problem or is there some special kind of sequence to activate unlocking the drivers door with the fob. I recently pressed and held the lock and unlock buttons for 3 seconds so that all doors unlock with just one press of the unlock button but have done this again so you require two presses of the unlock button to open the passenger doors and It makes no deference which mod the fob is in I still have to use the key for the drivers door. Is there another sequence that enables the fob to unlock ALL doors and boot. Any ideas please
  5. Yep don that. It will change from miles to kilometers and back if i press the right button on the lower RIGHT panel and if i press the cruse control buttons it says cruse control on/off. I think i may have a stuck or non functioning stalk button, will need to investigate that first i think.
  6. Yep don that. It will change from miles to kilometers and back if i press the right button on the lower left panel and if i press the cruse control buttons it says cruse control on/off. I think i may have a stuck or non functioning stalk button, will need to investigate that first i think.
  7. Good News. The new fob worked a treat. Thank you guys for your help. Now to sort out the info panel only displaying the total millage.
  8. Thought so. Just wanted to be sure that after replacing the fob I would no have problems starting the car because of the security chip. Many thanks for your help. When the new fob arrives I will update this post, hopefully with good news.
  9. Thank you. I have ordered a refurbished fob from Ebay and I will see how that goes, if it works than I shall get another one later on. I take it the security chip is in the front part of the fob where the key is?
  10. Thank you Prof I have tried this with the door open and with the door closed but the only button that seems to work is the lock button and then all it does is arm the alarm and lock the passenger doors. unlock, boot release and lights button do nothing, it is also the only button that makes a chime after taking the key out of the ignition when doing the reset. I have put a new battery in the fob. Do i still need to put the key in the ignition to position 2 first to disable the alarm after unlocking the drivers door with the key before doing the reset?
  11. Thanky you for the reply Iansan. No the door was closed when doing the test, why should it have been open?
  12. Hi Buds. Just purchased a 2003 x-type 2 ltr V6 petrol and found that the key fob only works by using the key and then putting it in the ignition to position 1 to stop the alarm sounding. I have looked on the forums and found several ways to program the fobs but the only one that works part way is to put the key in the ignition and turn to position 1 then to position 2 four times. I then here a chime but the only button that will work is the lock button and then all that will do is arm the alarm and nothing else, no other buttons seem to do anything. Am i doing something wrong or is there possibly another issue. I have replaced the battery with a known good one. Please Help. Mick.
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