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Everything posted by JeffinCA

  1. The topic pretty much says it all. My 1998 XK8 has a problem somewhere between the engine and the transmission and the independent specialists in Los Angeles cannot figure it out. Which dealership do you recommend in Los Angeles or Orange County for service and repair? Thanks in advance, Jeff
  2. I have a 1998 XK8 Coupe. A helpful, but not entirely coordinated, person dropped the hood (aka bonnet) and shattered a cover for several relays (p/n LJA6703AA) and fuses that had been placed, admittedly, where it should not have been. This collection of parts is on the left side of the engine compartment, near the middle (from front to back). I would like to identify the part and order a replacement without taking the time to go into a repair shop. I would also like to know which the functionality of each relay position. Thanks in advance, Jeff
  3. I'm in Los Angeles, previously in Orange County (not the one in Florida).
  4. Are there any technical specification sources that would include the composition of Control Arms (Upper and Lower)? These are very expensive parts to replace and it may be worthwhile to 3D print the following items using EBAM (Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing) to get solid pieces (not the fused-powder results of the laser-based technologies). I would need to know the metal formulation so I could meet or beat its quality. I'd also have to make high-resolution scans. MJB1340AC MJB1341AC MJF1346AA MJD1420AA MJD1421AA Thanks in advance, Jeff
  5. My 1998 XK8 needs front suspension work. After a considerable expenditure, there is still more to get replaced, but they are all extraordinarily expensive items. I am looking for a pair of Strut Mounts, Top for the Front Shocks. I'm told that I should use my VIN to get the actual part number, but I cannot find a website to even enter the VIN. There should be part numbers for these pieces, right? Thanks in advance, Jeff
  6. I am embarrassed that I did not notice this earlier, but there is a notice right next to the filler port to use Orange antifreeze. Depending on where you get it here in the United States, it is generally available for between $14 and $20 per pre-mixed, ready-to-use gallon. Jeff
  7. That is considerably more expensive than the 'universal' coolants here in the US. The Prestone I listed is $8.89/gallon, which works out to about £1.77/litre. Since I started this thread, I have found some Orange coolants that are about twice as expensive. I just have to track down a local supplier. Jeff
  8. The Jaguar-brand coolant is very expensive. The instructions specify to use an Orange coolant, which is not available at local auto parts stores. However, there is a coolant that says it can be used with any car or truck and any color coolant (Prestone 50/50 PreDiluted Antifreeze/Coolant). It is available for less than $10/gallon. Does anyone have any experience with this coolant? Alternatively, can anyone recommend a coolant? Thanks in advance, Jeff
  9. Thanks for the well wishes and Merry Christmas to you.
  10. That could be the exact problem! My gear shift lever has been "loose". Not so loose that it will shift gears on a bump, but it doesn't always want to fit in the expected position for Neutral and seems a bit spotty on Park. I will have this checked after I get back from Christmas vacation. Here's hoping I owe you are very effusive Thank You. ;)
  11. Thanks for the information. Remembering that my window's automatic position jog (when the door opens and closes) has required re-programming several times over the last 15 years, I'm going to see if I can get my current ECM re-programmed locally so that my car won't be out of commission for a week or more. Sure seems odd, however, that the car starts just fine most of the time, then... doesn't. Hope it's not the fuel pump being sporadically bad; it's buried in the gas tank and I've been quoted $1,000 to swap it out.
  12. My mechanic has informed me that my 1998 Jaguar XK8 Coupe needs a replacement computer and has recommended that I go to the dealer for that. Does anyone have recommendations for less expensive alternatives, such as an independent rebuilder?
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