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  1. I had a similar problem with my X Type a few years ago. I took the pump out of the bottom of the tank and flushed it out with a hose. The tank had blue fibery material in it almost like wet paper which was blocking the jets. I suspected cheap or old washer fluid but filled up with fresh fluid and didn't have any more problems..
  2. I bought the Icarsoft and the first time I used it was to diagnose a wheel speed sensor, renewal of which cured the fault and the ABS message hasn't come back. Touch wood.
  3. Hopefully your problems will have been resolved by now Balbir but in case you're still struggling I had similar issues on my drivers door. A used lock from Ebay for £25 did the biz and all's well now for the minute.
  4. I just ordered a set for my XJ6 X350 from WIPERBLADES.CO.UK for just over £20 (plus postage unfortunately) but we get a 10% Members discount
  5. I just ordered a set for my XJ6 X350 from WIPERBLADES.CO.UK for just over £20 (plus postage unfortunately) but we get a 10% Members discount
  6. The one and only new car that I've owned was a Maestro Diesel with the 2 litre Perkins engine . We had it for about 15 years and did 240,000 miles in it. Everyone in the family borrowed it and It always returned 50mpg. It was completely reliable, never had a new clutch, injectors changed or the head off but sadly the body gave up the ghost to the dreaded tin worm. Such a pity that Rover couldn't have developed it into something that people would buy in sufficient numbers to keep them afloat. I find it sad that just about every car on the road now is foreign or built by a foreign company. The 60s were a great time for car tinkerers Peter with loads of parts available from scrapyards and the like and no computers to worry about, Just a pity that as teenagers we never had any money to spend on our vehicles but it was a steep learning curve and things were kept going. I wonder what the old time mechanics would think of our code readers , multiple sensors and cars going to sleep at nights.
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