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JOE-DOT-COM last won the day on October 26 2024

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  1. sure your car of that year would have stop/start as standard if so would stick with a AGM battery, some exide battery are EFB and are not as good or wont last as long as a AGM battery try BATTERY MEGA STORE, there usually the cheapest and have a really good selection of batteries with good guarantees and next day delivery.
  2. as above, window motor/regulator need replacing, there a window module built into the motor.
  3. They dont have one, there a fill and level plug on the side of the gearbox, so the engine has to be running and at a certain temperature before checking the final level, that putting oil through the fill/level plug so that oil just trickles out slowly, lot of clips on youtube.
  4. https://youtu.be/FeufVbAdYgM?si=MYxcWppUwQ3ogBMH
  5. Hi, the wiring is different, so there not plug and play also there would be no self leveling, the leveling adjust wont work and there no head lights washers headlight washers and self leveling is a legal requirement in most countries, like UK. cheers
  6. Hi There a lever inside the heandlight that you can flick and its alters the headlight pattern, no need to swap them but this is only possible on the HID headlights if you have halogen ones, then I think you would have to use the stick on bean benders or swap the lights, halogen ones are not interchangeable with HID ones as the wiring is different. Cheers Joe
  7. Hi You might want to put more info up like what engine it has, reg and any service history and plenty of pictures if your selling, would recomend Ebay as a classified, fixed price and has by far the best auidience of any other platform in the uk cheers Joe
  8. Hi Yes all the S-type were manuafactured in the Uk Just Japan ones had different spec, I dont think they were loaded with as much stuff as uk ones It tells you the build spec when you plug in to Jaguar IDS/SDD cheers Joe
  9. Hi Dont think the Japanese models had, they had quite a bit of stuff missing, like they had no alarm either there were quite a few differences cheers Joe
  10. hi If the doors are locking and deadlocking it should work but I'm sure most japan models dont have deadlocking and the module you bought uses the dead locking pulse to lock the doors I've made a few of these power fold locking modules and have all the instructions, but if your car does not have deadlocks it may not work if your car has deadlocks it should work, the frequency of the remote is irrelavent, as it just uses signals to the door locks to operate the powerfold module, also remotes on all s-type can only be programed with software, Jaguar IDS/SDD, theres no manual procedure to program them. deadlocks is not easy to retrofit cheers joe
  11. Hi The petrol engines on the S-type dont have a timing belt, there timing chain so as long as its still quiet its fine, if its had regular oil changes they last many, many years. cheers Joe
  12. Hi if it one of the original keys you just swap the batteries and it should work, if not the fob needs repairing. if it a new fob your trying to program, they can only be done with software on S-types, there is no manual was of programing them, far cheaper to get them repaired than to replace, usually around £25 to get them repaired cheers Joe
  13. Hi You can operate it manually with some jumper wires just to release it. would them recomend getting it plugged in to see what the fault it have a look here,
  14. If the nav dvd unit is still plugged in your touch screen will still work, unplug it and the touch screen will stop working, there was a person selling new lasers on ebay, you can still get used nac dvd units as well, getting one of the newer ones off a 2007/2008 car , most of these still work ok. I dont use mine anymore, I upgraded to Jagdroid and still use my ACM most to play MP3's, which is my favorite source of music cheers Joe
  15. Hi You can get a new navigation DVD off ebay, last ones were 2012, not sure about your country but if you google it there should be plenty of places that sell them Also if you have the touch screen, which is usually standard with the navigation, you cannot remove the Nav DVD unit in the boot, because the picture for the touch screen is generated by the Nav dvd unit in the boot, so removing it will render the touch screen useless, no climate control, no cd changer, no phone. cheers Joe
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