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Everything posted by JOE-DOT-COM

  1. hi the upper rounded part of the cover clips off, usually you slide the mirror up the screen to clip it on, so the clip pulls away from the mirror, where the cover has just clipped off will be quite tight cheers Joe
  2. hi remove the mount from the mirror and use something like black tigerseal leave it overnight and reattach the mirror cheers Joe
  3. hi I have Jagdroid in mine, if your cars a keeper then its well worth buying, no cheap, but the best out there superb features and fully updateable, but plug and play usb support and superb android capability cheers Joe
  4. hi petrol and diesels will surely have different flywheels only way to know for sure is go on jaguar classics or sng barratt and compare flywheel part numbers not all petrols had dual mass flywheels, there more common on diesels also theres companies out there that do solid ones which does away with all the problems of them failing cheers Joe
  5. hi if you lenses are a bit cloudy, can recomend the 3m headlight restoration kits for around 20 quid, they restore the lenses to like new condition cheers Joe
  6. hi they use a D2S bulb, thats all you need search for oe ones were osram, Ive fitted 8k colour ones in my STR, there brighter and got a blueish light to them, far better cheap ones are just as good as dear ones, as there all made in china any way, had cheap ones in mine for over 7 years also might not just be the bulb, could be the ignitor, bit on back of the bulb or ballast, bit on side of headlight, they also fail as said above anything upto 30000 volts to get them strike also on my STR you have to remove the headlights to replace the bulbs, as theres not enough space in the engine bay, which means the front bumper has to come off aswell, hope yours is easier cheers Joe
  7. hi really common on the diesels, if its aux heater that only kicks in below 5 deg C, the exhaust on the aux webasto heater always fall apart and end up leaking into the engine bay and end up sucked in by your heater, worth checking, also the elbows and flexi pipes off each turbo are really common for cracking and leaking, repair kits are available on ebay cheers Joe
  8. hi whats the point of changing the oil, if your not changing the filter, service on these should include up to 7 liters of zf lifeguard 6, new filter/pan, new pan bolts, bigger heads, old ones were prone to snapping and new mecha sleeve which has been updated and also prone to leaking there should be about 6.5 litres thats come out, and about the same goes back in only use zf lifeguard 6 or you will get nothing but problems, there approx 10.5 litres inside the gearbox, but about 4.5 litres will stay inside the torque converter, so mixing oils is never good, also the gearbox ecu is inside the gearbox and emersed in the oil. after market parts, always seem to leak the gearbox should be filled with the engine running , car level and final check should be at exactly 45 deg C, this is critical or the wrong amount of oil will be in, also keep shifting through the gears to remove any airlock, before fine level check not using the oe zf parts and oil has got be the biggest killer of these gearboxes cheers Joe
  9. hi usually on s-types the buttons should work as soon as the battery are replaces and can usually only be paired with jaguar software, Jaguar ids/sdd but some early cars could, have a look here http://www.bluejag.co.uk/S-Type-keyfob-reprogramming.php cheers Joe
  10. hi its well overdue, ZF recomend 10 years or 60k for gearbox services recomend only using genuine zf parts and oil, most people don't and get lots of issues after cant recomend any where though, maybe some else will cheers Joe
  11. hi £40 at auto reserve and there good parts. https://www.autoreservejaguar.com/
  12. HI try auto reseve jaguar, there quite good for quality used parts cheers Joe
  13. HI I know people who have had cars repaired before and when costs have been close to not economical to repair, they have used good used parts to keep cost down. I never know any repair shop, contact a manuafacturer about what parts to use, and most repair shops dont use genuine parts, they will use pattern parts for a lot of repairs very strange, I would be tempted to take it elsewher. cheers Joe
  14. hi take it to a independat repairer they will fit the used part cheers Joe
  15. hi usually caused by a low battery, especially on diesels if they only do short runs charge the battery and see how it goes cheers Joe
  16. hi because fault codes are generic any code reader will read certain codes but for pre 2005 cars its IDS and post 2005 car its SDD, your software will only do post 2005 cars my software came with the mongoose pro lead, you would have to google it maybe get it free if you look on the right forums cheers Joe
  17. hi sdd 163 wont work with pre 2005 cars you need jaguar ids/sdd v130 ideally works really well, I have it and works great IDS is for pre 2005 cars and SDD for post 2005 cars, any version after after 131 if i remember right don't support pre 2005 cars and iDS is not included also if your updating, make sure you get both dvd's for software and you also need a heavy duty battery charger while programing, they can take a while and flatten the battery quite quick, if battery goes low you will brick the module. cheers Joe
  18. HI No need to disconnect the negative if your using a good quality charger say like a CTEK low batteries on these cause lots of problems, mine is kept on a oe jaguar ctek all the time when its not in use, never had any problems in over 7 years cheers Joe
  19. hi this is global opening and theres also global closing this can be activated a few ways, pressing and holding the unlock on the remote, holding the driver door key in the unlock position and holding the lock/unlock button on the dash. usually its a stuck button on the remotes, but if you have removed batteries, the driver door lock is favorite, will most probably have water in it cheers Joe
  20. hi the wiring should be there, the ends are usually taped in a sort of foam you want the later type plastic module that does both, phone and bluetooth you will also need a bluetooth antenna, additional fibre loop and a mic for your roof console or the later mic that goes in the roof lining but plugs into the same place in the roof console if you try fit the earlier dual modules, phone module and bluetooth module, its a nightmare as all the wiring in the connectors is wrong, at both ends boot and armrest, as there wired for handset not bluetooth though the Jap version do miss a lot of the uk spec stuff. cheers Joe
  21. hi no it just like a normal damper, only difference is a plug at the top cheers Joe
  22. hi the s-type last nav update was 2012, unless you live in aus, you can still get current updates there and no the XF dvd wont work in a s-type I got JAGDROID in mine, which updates the touch screen to up to date Android, so you can use google maps or tomtom software, reverse cameras and anything you as on you android phone not cheap, but a lot cheaper than a modern phone, love mine well recomended cheers Joe https://www.jagdroid.org/
  23. if you buy shock absorber that are for lowered cars the shocks are shorter so yes lowered shock absorbers can lower the car cheers Joe
  24. hi They dont light up, not really needed as the interior light stays on for quite a while and goes off when the key is inserted cheers Joe
  25. hi can only be the springs, nothing else will effect the height, unless it has lowered shoch absorbers on it which are shorter cheers Joe
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