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MdmeJ last won the day on July 23 2024

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  1. Thank you for your thoughts and good luck going forward.
  2. Yep, fully understand and agree your sentiments/frustration/annoyance. Mine blew up on the motorway at 70mph just b4 Xmas 23. After messing around with JLR BS I took a long hard look at Repair/Get-Rid options and costs. Plus, after this awful failure I had to decide whether I was still 'in love' with the vehicle and if not, how would I get back to feeling good about F-pace ownership. 2 months thinking time. For the get-rid option was offered 10k by JLR (mine cost 34K in 2022) for the vehicle in broken-down condition. Decided (60/40) wanted the car, had zero confidence in JLR, had to avoid throwing good money after bad etc. Looked deep into suitable repair garages etc, hence SSG Prestige. All dbl super duper after that decision and repair = feeling good about all. However, I am down 17K. On another Jag owners site there is some class action stuff going on, USA generated (I believe) where JLR rep has sunk so low that new vehicle warranty has been increased to 5 years + free servicing. I have joined that action for (some) recompense of replacement motor + turbos costs. I wish JLR Europe had that. My experience with JLR was/is that they provide all possible help short of any actual assistance. Such and awfully frustrating/time wasting experience. I decided that life was too short to continue beating my head against their brick walls so took the self-funded repair route, promised myself to avoid JLR in future where/when possible (for servicing, future repairs etc) and started 'fighting' them as part of a wider (more powerful) lobby group. Your 80% JLR repair cost offset sounds considerably better than many, many others. If you can get a written commitment to that figure (pref 100%) then I'd go for it. But because JLR are basically a-holes I expect the harder you push the lower the offer will become. Each to his own and good luck.
  3. Yep considering it. JLR are v familiar with all the engine issues across their range and worldwide. Agree that they should pay 100% to fix all the affected motors.....suspect that would be financial suicide though. Go for max you can get of course. Can you update yr warranty provision? SSG Prestige only 'do' JLR engine/turbo replacements - that is their entire business and they are super busy!! Mine fixed Mar24 and running beautifully + JLR warranty and 2yrs unltd mileage. Good luck
  4. Hi. My bill was £17k and i had to pay 100%. JLR no help whatsoever. 55k miles on the clock, fsh and just out of warranty. That's why I went to SSG Prestige for the repair/replacement.
  5. How very disappointing - good luck with the dealer. JLR main dealer is it? Had my F-pace engine and turbos replaced by SSG Prestige in Thurnscoe nr Barnsley (5*).
  6. Same sad tale with my 2018 s.0ltr (240) with only 60K miles and Jag FSH. Any news on JLR contribution for replacement pls?
  7. Have had toe same EPB issue myself several times, each one being thoroughly inconvenient! Have replaced battery and rear brake pads and still the fault would appear, albeit occassionally. Fault never appeared when car had been standing overnight or longer and only ever occurred during a break/rtest in reasonable length journeys (1 hour+). Has AA man out, had car's fault codes analysed etc etc. Car take to Jag main dealer .....fault occurred when with them but still nothing on fault codes. EPB electronic control module changed (unit cost approx £200) = no further recurrences of the fault. Very happy. I noted that when the fault occurred at the Jag dealership they didn't go through disconnecting the battery and then resetting all the electronic but just disconnected both connectors to the electronic control module (boot, RHS behind panelling.) Also, some video footage of another routine here:
  8. Many thanks for the replies - I will continue to ponder the SatNav upgrade, but at the mo it doesn't appear to be a goer. Still, never say never ..........!!
  9. many thanks - will consider further.
  10. Hi. I'm looking to update/upgrade or retro fit with new the sat nav in my S type - I can only get hold of a 2011-2012 after market cd for the current OEM one in the vehicle. I do like the visual map presentations of the newer sat navs on the market and wondered whether members had experience of retro fitting the S type's satnav. If not, maybe someone could advise me on where to obtain a later/the latest sat nav cd? Help and advise most appreciated. Mdme J
  11. Am proud of my silver S Type and love to drive it. Looking for a satnav upgrade though as the 2011-2012 satnav disc needs updating. I may even be looking to retro-fit a new satnav etc - any ideas pls?
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