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  1. Ok great, thats what i`m going to do then. Just wanted to make sure. Thanks, :)
  2. There are about 4 frayed areas on the front seats, and 1 small tear. There are also some places where the leather is worn. I got an estimate of $175 to fix these two seats - the leather expert in this area said that he would normally charge about $500 for a job like this but since i`m a student hes cutting me a break. $500 seems like a ridiculous amount for just that-- but i`m not sure because i`ve never had leather seats. $175 is even a really large amount to me - so I just want to make sure i`m not being ripped off with this amount. He said he is going to put a patch on and recondition the 2 panels effected and match the color. Does that sound like $175 work or is this too much? Pictures of damage below.
  3. Peter, Oh no your poor car! I can`t imagine having a car like that stolen, that would be devastating. I`ve been trying to find a place where I can buy that cleaner and polisher online and eBay is the only place I saw which has even the option to ship it to US. The price of the shipping makes the cost double so I`m hoping that it`s really worth it, and I havent been able to find all 3, only found the leather cleaner, and protective balm. Any other things I should do before winter comes? It has a couple paint chips which I want to fill in too so it looks a little nicer, and is there a polish or protector for the paint? Theres so much to find out about this car I`m like a kid in a candy store :) You have MOBILE MECHANICS over there??? Wow, yes, you definitely don`t get that here. Here you make an appointment, wait forever, get a friend to follow you to the repair shop, and then drop car off and wait until they call you back to pick it up. If we did have such a service it would probably be beyond my price-range since I have to pay for med-school all by myself and besides having this ultra cool car i`m living on a ramen-noodle $.99 a meal diet and have stripped my budget to the bare minimum. I`m totally jealous of everyone`s lifestyles on here.. love the idea of a mobile mechanic! Too old to rent a car? that`s awful I can`t believe they said that. lol And thank you - Love that theres a place which offers advice for this car because it really is a lot to take in! Lana
  4. Yep Peter, we definitely have almost the same car. I hope your loving yours as much as me. How long have you had it? Also, what are you using on the leather- I see some fainnnnt signs that my seats are crinkling and I want to maintain this car as well as possible.
  5. This car is just so darn sexy.. I never thought i`d gush about such a thing or care so much about cars which I really never cared anything about and was completely against because they are such bad investments but oh my gosh I love this car!! So happy - got my sirius to work today and its awesome. Now, all I have to do it figure out how to save up for bluetooth and how to install that. :) I`m glad theres a club. I`ve included a few pictures to show off- totally excited. The best car ever
  6. And thanks so much for the welcome - yay feel so included! I LOVE this car have not been able to stop grinning
  7. The car came with the sirius - Im stoked that that was at least an added bonus that I know works. Going to get my 2 months trial set up today :) :) From what I see in the description of the vehicle from the factory it said that the sirius was an added feature that was an add on so it came right from the factory - I can`t believe that they had this added on and not bluetooth :( No bluetooth Bummer! I know that this is something that we don`t NEED, but its disappointing thinking something will work and it doesn't. does anyone know how to install one or switch out everything there for a nav system -- someone told me its possible to get that entire radio area switched for about $800 so that you get an updated navigation, dvd and bluetooth but that sounds unlikely and i`m not sure how something like that would work .. anyone have any experience or thoughts on that?
  8. The nicest car i`ve ever owned - BUT have some questions about the bluetooth ... or lack there of. I bought this car just a few hours ago, used, and even though it is a 8 year old car its better and more luxurious then ive ever seen so i`m completely completely excited. What dampers the excitement though is that i`m unsure whether this has bluetooth or phone or command features. on the site it had all these but now I look in the buyer`s booklet that was in the glove box I dont see it listed as a feature, and when i pushed the button to program bluetooth so it connects to my phone it did not show a "sig" which is what its supposed to do. I think that OK maybe I can deal without these added features but maybe I really do have them and i`m just not doing it right.. does anyone know for sure how to see if there is bluetooth.. like i know in some cars theres a wire near the windshield or an added speaker, etc?? Also, the front radio does look VERY dated .. has anyone had something similar to mine where they successfully switched theirs out for something more modern or added features like a navigation system or just a nicer cleaner bluetooth and touchscreen? I have no mechanical ability, but I know some people who do, and I don`t have much money - my dad bought this for me because I got into med school. I can save up and get it, but I`m nervous that things may not work right or be incompatible - if its possible please please tell me exactly what I would need to buy to update this dated system and how difficult it would be and if it is even an option. thanks ahead of time :) Happy JAGUAR owner!! -- wow can`t believe it :)
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