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  1. Hi did u find out what was wrong with car

  2. Ho does anyone have a picture of where the crankshaft sensor is located on this Car as I can't seem to find it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. The plunger moves on turbo when attempting start with no buzzing the buzzing only happened the once when engine stopped running Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. look on my profile, (albums)

    1. david moore

      david moore

      sorry this is in my jaguar forum, as to how you get into it with tapatalk...i have no idea!

  5. Hi David where can I see this picture Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. I've finally got some error codes from the x type yesterday as we had good weather have looked them up but unsure of corse of action due to circumstances they were obtain data To get the car to start I need to unplug my maf sensor will start trying to stay running for about 10 seconds then cuts out The following codes then apeared P1000 undefined code P0201 injector circuit / open cylinder 1 P0202 injector circuit / open cylinder 2 P0203 injector circuit / open cylinder 3 P0204 injector circuit / open cylinder 4 Have seen a number of posts online say replaced injectors but my issue I need to answer before that is way car won't crank when maf sensor connected if anyone can help with this it would be most appreciated Thanks Sent from my SM-T365 using Tapatalk
  7. Does anyone know how much it would cost to get injector plus pump replaced or individual price Sent from my SM-T365 using Tapatalk
  8. Hi john I have now tried the blanking plate hasn't made a difference but a friend of a Friend said it will probably be the fuel rail regulator so I will be trying this next Sent from my SM-T365 using Tapatalk
  9. What's the best way to release air on these as I can't find a bleed valve Sent from my SM-T365 using Tapatalk
  10. Hi funny enough about 10 miles before the problem started it just a full tank and STP injector cleaner which to my understanding is the same stuff but I not sure if it has too much air in it as we were trying to empty the tank to rule out the cleaner but only managed to get 1/4 tank out then car starts the cuts out instead of staying running as did before Sent from my SM-T365 using Tapatalk
  11. I was going to be giving my egr a good clean so will try that is the clean fails as I know when I replaced the intercooler hose the egr valve was clogged up but it was done at night time so wasn't cleaned as ggod as it should be thanks for the advice I will blank it till I get some daylight free to do the job will let you know going to buy blanking plate now Sent from my SM-T365 using Tapatalk
  12. Sorry its a diesel Sent from my SM-T365 using Tapatalk
  13. Hi I'm new to the owners club as I have only recently bought my x type 2.0d classic estate My car is a 54 plate with 178000 miles on recently serviced all filters and oil,new inter cooler hose,new tyres brakes and discs I got the car running as it should a couple of weeks after the intercooler hose replacement started a long journey just filled up after about 7-8 mile of heavy traffic started to accelerate on to the motorway when the car when in to limp mode but when I turned engine off and back on it would reset the accelerating between 2000-3000 rpm it would happen again I had to drive home using my gears trying not to put it under load so it wouldn't cut out no codes showing car sat for one week till I had the time to look at it got given some advise from a friend that we needed to take some of the fuel out of the car to be sure it wasn't related to the full tank the only way we were able to get the fuel out was from the fuel filter after the car started ok but we started to here a buzzing sound from around the engine car stop had to get jump leads out to get the engine to attemp start opened nuts slightly on injectors went to turn over fuel came out of each one as we though there may be air in the line closed all nuts back can get car to start then it revs up while starting after between 3-5 second the engine cuts out glow plug icon flashes up been on this for about a week now I finally managed to retrieve a code today from my obd reader code was P0251 generic Injector pump fuel metering control A (Cam / rotor / injector) I have replaced the camshaft sensor today on advise but still failing to get the engine to keep running has anyone come across this issue before of have any advise to resolve this problem as can't afford to take car to the garage so have to do all the work myself any help on advise would be much appreciated thanks Also I'm looking for a obd software to use any recommendations Sent from my SM-T365 using Tapatalk
  14. Hi I'm new to the owners club as I have only recently bought my x type 2.0d classic estate My car is a 54 plate with 178000 miles on recently serviced all filters and oil,new inter cooler hose,new tyres brakes and discs I got the car running as it should a couple of weeks after the intercooler hose replacement started a long journey just filled up after about 7-8 mile of heavy traffic started to accelerate on to the motorway when the car when in to limp mode but when I turned engine off and back on it would reset the accelerating between 2000-3000 rpm it would happen again I had to drive home using my gears trying not to put it under load so it wouldn't cut out no codes showing car sat for one week till I had the time to look at it got given some advise from a friend that we needed to take some of the fuel out of the car to be sure it wasn't related to the full tank the only way we were able to get the fuel out was from the fuel filter after the car started ok but we started to here a buzzing sound from around the engine car stop had to get jump leads out to get the engine to attemp start opened nuts slightly on injectors went to turn over fuel came out of each one as we though there may be air in the line closed all nuts back can get car to start then it revs up while starting after between 3-5 second the engine cuts out glow plug icon flashes up been on this for about a week now I finally managed to retrieve a code today from my obd reader code was P0251 generic Injector pump fuel metering control A (Cam / rotor / injector) I have replaced the camshaft sensor today on advise but still failing to get the engine to keep running has anyone come across this issue before of have any advise to resolve this problem as can't afford to take car to the garage so have to do all the work myself any help on advise would be much appreciated thanks
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